All University Libraries supported webpages should pass Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, AA standards. You can use the WAVE tool to test your webpages for visual feedback about the accessibility of web content.
Page Headings
HTML headings are classified starting with level 1 and ending at level 6.
<h1>Provide proper heading structure</h1>
<h2>Understanding heading levels</h2>
<h2>Example code</h2>
<h3>Typical HTML heading markup:</h3>
<h2>Best practices:</h2>
Provide alternative text for images
If the image is necessary for understanding the page content, equivalent information should be communicated as text using the alt attribute.
If the image is decorative and not necessary for understanding the page content, the alt attribute should be empty (alt="").
<img src="image.jpg" alt="">
Text labels for form elements
All interactive elements are required to have descriptive text labels, including any links or form controls.
<label for="lastname">Last Name<label>
<input type="text" id="lastname">
When using italics, use sparingly as they cause problems for people with dyslexia.
Do not underline text, as this confuses normal content with links.
Skip to Content
All library supported webpages should have a "Skip to Content" link that appears at the top of the page in the first keyboard TAB sequence. If you come across a webpage that doesn't have this, people contact the Web Manager.
Titles for iframes
All iFrame code should have a title
<iframe width='500' height='294' src="#" title="Describe content of iframe"></iframe>