Robert Graves Collection

“I don’t care where I am buried…This will be my grave, my tomb, the grave of Graves, you might call it, and I think I will be very comfortable here.” —Robert Graves
The Poetry Collection holds the world's largest collection of Robert Graves' poetry manuscripts. There are working papers from over 1,000 poems, ranging from manuscripts as early as 1910 up to 1959 and covering all his major and minor collections of poetry over the fifty-year period. The Robert Graves Collection also includes working drafts of such prose works as The White Goddess, Good-bye to All That, Homer's Daughter and Food for Centaurs, along with approximately 450 letters. First acquired in 1960 and subsequently developed in the decades since, the Poetry Collection's Graves Collection is a premier collection of the author's publications, manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, clippings and ephemera as well as Graves criticism.