The University Libraries offers exhibitions and special displays throughout our Libraries.

The Language of Magic: Queer Occult Poetics
The exhibition examines the San Francisco Renaissance, a radical arts movement of the 1950s-60s, where poets used occult influences to shape queer identity.
Location: Special Collections, 420 Capen Hall, September 2024 - August 2025

A Portal to the Past: The Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection
The Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection is home to a unique assemblage of rare scientific books, manuscripts, anatomical models, diagnostic tools and medical artifacts illustrating the growth and development of the health sciences. Established in 1972, and named in 1985 for Robert L. Brown, MD, former associate dean of the University of Buffalo School of Medicine, the collection’s primary focus is on the medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and public health professions in Western New York.
From third-century Roman surgical instruments to materials that chronicle the history of UB’s medical and health sciences schools, this distinctive collection encompasses an abundance of rich, archival resources to educate and inspire students, scholars, and a wide, global community. By acquiring, collecting, preserving and exhibiting these treasured resources, the Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection aims to achieve its mission of charting the future by exploring the past.
Location: Silverman Library, 3rd floor, September 2023 - August 2025

The Weird One: Collages of Helen and Pat Adam
A small exhibition of the work of Scottish-American sisters, Helen and Pat Adam. The exhibition is located right outside the Silverman Grand Reading Room.
Location: Silverman Library, 3rd floor