*VI.I.3.b: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Emendations and Errata: Scribal Copy of the Emendations for the Second Galley Proofs of transition 2/Finnegans Wake I.2 (1927):
Material Description and Collation
The manuscript is a printed but unmarked money order form, on the verso of which Sylvia Beach copied in black ink the instructions for emendations on MS VI.I.3.a.
The manuscript measures 10.2 x 9.9 cm.
The manuscript is another extradraft sheet; see MS VI.I.3.a for further information. See transition 2, 102.19 and 103.37 as well as FW 041.36 and 044.04–05.
JJA Draft Code
Other Markings
Beach wrote "additional (sent to E. P. [Eliot Paul] April 1[5?]" in the upper margin and "corrections for J. J. in Transition text | S B took down" in the lower margin, all in black ink
Beach copied this emendation in April 1927.