*VI.J.7.a: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Miscellaneous Manuscript: Beach’s Holograph Copy of Joyce’s "Suggested Additions" to the Preface of the Crosby Gaige Edition of Anna Livia Plurablle (1928)
Material Description and Collation
The manuscript consists of 3 sheets of high quality laid paper watermarked "BRITISH CROWN" under an image of a crown, in Sylvia Beach’s hand in black ink.
Page [1] is headed in black ink in Beach’s hand: "Suggested Additions".
The manuscript is a copy of Joyce’s suggestions for Padraic Colum’s preface to Anna Livia Plurabelle (see Slocum and Cahoon A32). The document this is keyed to is not in the Buffalo Collection; some but not all of these suggested additions are evident in the published text. Beach presumably prepared this copy from Joyce’s manuscript, or from a copy of the draft of Colum’s preface that Joyce had annotated, or possibly from dictation. The manuscript is marked in Beach’s hand in black ink: "(signed initials) J.J." on p. "3".
The manuscript measures approximately 17.5 x 22.6 cm.
Pages [2] and [3] and numbered "2" and "3" in black ink; p. [1] is not numbered.
The manuscript was prepared in 1928.
Other Markings
Beach wrote "(copy)" in the upper left corner of p. [1].
This manuscript has not been reproduced.