*VI.J.7.b.i: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Miscellaneous Manuscript: A Typescript Copy of Joyce’s "Suggested Additions" to The Preface of the Crosby Gaige Edition of Anna Livia Plurablle (1928)
Material Description and Collation
The manuscript consists of 2 sheets of double-spaced typewritten top (original) black ink copy, with an addition in Joyce’s hand in black ink on p. [2]; the versos are blank.
Page [1] is headed "Suggested Additions"by the typist.
The manuscript is a typescript copy of Joyce’s suggestions for Padraic Colum’s preface to Anna Livia Plurabelle (see Slocum and Cahoon A32), probably prepared by Beach. The addition in Joyce’s hand is not present on MSS VI.J.7.a or VI.J.7.b.ii.
The manuscript measures 21.1 x 27.0 cm.
Page [2] is numbered "2-".
The manuscript was prepared in 1928.
Other Markings
The word "(copy)" is typed in the top left corner of p. [1].
This manuscript has not been reproduced.