Law Library Collections

  • Core Collection
    Contains 300,000 bound volumes & over 221,000 volumes in microform covering a wide variety of materials on law & law-related subjects. Includes maps.
  • Special Collections
    A complete list of all Law Library Special Collections.
  • Digital Commons
    The Law School's open-access repository dedicated to making the product of the research, scholarship, and creative activity of the Law School community freely available to UB’s local and global communities. DC@UB preserves and provides public access to the collective scholarly output of the University at Buffalo School of Law faculty, Law Library faculty, and students. Through its collections, the repository highlights the positive impact of the Law School on the community.
  • Audio Visual Collections
    The Morris L. Cohen Rare Book Collection consists principally of seventeenth- through nineteenth-century English and American legal sources, although volumes in French, German, and Spanish are also present. While modest in comparison to the rare book collections at other major law schools, it features a wide representation of early English treatises, generally regarded as the origins of the Anglo-American legal system. Two of the more important treatises included are Sir Edward Coke's Institutes of the Lawes of England (published in 1628-1644 in four parts) and Sir William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England (published 1765-1769 in four volumes).
  • Collection Policies
    Policies regarding the use of our collections.