When a student applies to college, they are inundated with recruitment brochures. The brochures give the student a sense of life at the college, both scholastically and socially. UB’s historic recruitment brochures are now being featured as a new digital collection just in time for the new school year!
The featured brochures were created between 1933 and 1979, and document the growth of the University and its student body. A brochure from 1953/54 states that UB offers sixty undergraduate programs (p. 5). UB now offers over 100 undergraduate programs. Many of the photographs featured in these brochures were taken on South Campus and show students in various scholarly pursuits. In A Pattern for Learning Brochure, 1963, students can be seen studying in the old South Campus Lockwood Library, now known as the Health Sciences Library (p. 6-7).
This collection offers a look at the UB of yesteryear. Readers can see how the clothing has changed from the 1930s and can chart the growth of UB’s campuses over the years. But, no matter how many things have changed at UB, there is one thing that hasn’t: the enthusiasm of its students.