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“Elon Musk is Ruining My Research: The compounding impact of change in corporate resources for research”

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

April 10,  10-11:30am,  Buffalo Room, 10 Capen Hall, North Campus and online

The Digital Scholarship and Studio Network (DSSN) will be hosting a discussion on the impact of corporate policies on academic research, and how universities engage with corporate partners when the values of the university and the corporation do not align. This discussion is prompted by the Twitter decision to erect an impossibly expensive paywall, in effect preventing use of its data, but the implications for data accessibility and bias go beyond this single corporation. Following the presentations, there will be a question and answer session.


  • Geneva Henry, Dean of Libraries and Academic Innovation & Vice Provost for Libraries and Information Technology at George Washington University, “Does vendor cost bias research data collection?”
  • Venu Govindaraju, UB Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Presentation title TBA
  • Lourdes Vera, Assistant Professor, Department of Environment & Sustainability, “How a Twitter API Paywall Limits Researchers’ Understanding of Critical Social Movements”
  • Evviva Weinraub Lajoie, UB Vice Provost for University Libraries. Moderator.

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