Call for nominations for the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship 2020-2021
The Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship recognizes skill in librarianship; service to the campus, the university and to the field; scholarship and professional growth; and major professional achievements. Nominees must have demonstrated extraordinary performance in the following areas:
Skill in Librarianship: There must be positive evidence that the candidate performs superbly in fulfilling librarianship duties. Consideration should be given to the candidate’s ability to perform this function that is of outstanding quality.
Service to the University and to the Profession: There must be evidence that the candidate is flexible and adapts readily to the needs of constituents served. Eligible service areas include contributions to the library, the campus, the State University, the community and to the profession.
Scholarship and Continuing Professional Growth: The candidate must keep abreast of developments in the field and use relevant contemporary data in relation to that person’s work situation. Evidence in this category should include references to publications, membership and work in professional organizations, attendance at meetings, seminars, etc.
- Must possess an ALA-accredited Master of Library Science (MLS), a Master’s degree (e.g. MIS) or equivalent (e.g. MLIS) and hold academic rank as defined in the SUNY Board of Trustees policies: librarian, associate librarian, senior assistant librarian, and assistant librarian.
- Must have completed three academic years of fulltime employment prior to the year of nomination.
- Individuals serving in a part-time capacity or holding a visiting title are ineligible;
- Must not be the Vice Provost for University Libraries;
- Must not be a self-nomination;
- Must not have previously received the award;
- No posthumous nominations.
Nomination Dossier
- Must contain a letter from the nominator of not more than five (5) pages, summarizing the candidate’s credentials and demonstrating the candidate’s extraordinary performance in: skill in librarianship, service to the university and to the profession, scholarship and continuing professional growth;
- Must contain the candidate’s current curriculum vitae;
- Must contain at least three letters of support.
- Completed nomination dossiers must be received electronically by the Office of the Vice Provost for University Libraries on behalf of the local selection committee by Friday, October 30, 2020 at 5:00PM. Email all materials to Cherie Williams
- If you are interested in nominating a deserving and qualified librarian and/or you need additional information about compiling/submitting a nomination dossier, please contact Cherie Williams