The Brave, Bad Girls
Cover Artist: Clark HulingsBy: Dewey, Thomas B.
Publisher: Pocket Books, Inc. (Permabook edition M-3089)
Place of Publication:New York, NY
Catalog #: Kelley Box 229: PS3507 .E883 B73 1957
Contributor: K. Quinlivan
Era: 1950sAuthor as on Cover: Thomas B. Dewey
Original Date: 1956
Setting: urban and suburban neighborhoods, including seedy hotels, middle-class apartments and homes, offices, police headquarters
Plot Summary
A cynical private investigator known as Mac is called to a nightclub late one night by a beautiful young woman who asks him to escort her home. Mac later discovers this young woman alone in an apartment with the body of her dead boyfriend. Mac tries to arrange protection for her, despite the fact that she refuses to reveal the truth about the murder. As Mac begins to search for the murderer, he delves into the past and present lives of several different women in an attempt to sort out their connections with the dead man. His investigation leads Mac into a complicated network of corrupt politicians, shady businessmen and abusive cops before he manages to sort out the legal and romantic entanglements and solve the case.Major Characters
Mac adult male, early 40s, ex-police officer turned private investigatorGeorgiana Hennessey adult female, medium height, blonde hair, ex-police officer, now a private investigator, she assists Mac with his cases
Sherry Turner adult female, 22 years old, dark hair, brown eyes, beautiful daughter of a wealthy businessman
Roscoe Turner adult male, middle aged, wealthy corporate executive who seems to think that everyone has their price
Karel Kadek "Karl", adult male, 32 years old, immigrant from central Europe, musician with a reputation as a ladies' man, separated from his wife, Lorraine (Jarvis) Kadek and dating Sherry Turner
Lorraine Jarvis Kadek adult female, blonde, gray eyes, mid-20s, teacher who has recently come under scrutiny by the school board
Esther Jarvis adult female, 30s, tall, big-boned, former secretary who looks after her sister and niece
Bud Phelps adult male, mid-30s, piano player, longtime friend of Karl Kadek, enjoys the company of attractive women
Catherine Colby adult female, middle-aged, elementary school principal, she wants to find out if someone is running a smear campaign against Lorraine Kadek
Lieutenant Donovan adult male, middle-aged, tough but fair-minded police detective, Mac's mentor