Christopher Hollister
Head of Scholarly Communication
Pronouns: he/him/his
324 Lockwood Memorial Library, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260
- Ph: 716-645-1323
Develop comprehensive scholarly communication program in collaboration with liaison librarians to support research and scholarly production across campus. Monitor trends and developments in scholarly communication, open access, open/affordable education, and digital scholarship at local, regional, and national levels. Communicate with faculty, students, and administrators on issues relative to the scholarly information life cycle; conduct relevant training and workshops. Provide leadership on the development and implementation a University-wide open access policy. Work with relevant stakeholders to develop long-term plan for institutional repositories that aligns with the Libraries’ strategic design priorities and the University’s open access policy. Develop and manage an affordable education program with emphasis on open educational resources (OER). Administer the University’s state-funded OER initiative; inspire and help faculty to adopt, adapt, or create OER content for their teaching.
Journal Editorship
- Co-Founder and Co-Editor, Communications in Information Literacy, 2007-present. ISSN: 1933-5954. Available from https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/comminfolit/
Journal Articles
- Hollister, C., Hosier, A., & Williams, J.A. (2023). Author perceptions of positive and negative behaviors among library and information science journal editors. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(3), 1-10. https://doi-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/10.1016/j.acalib.2023.102707
- Hollister, C., & Jensen, J. (2023). Research productivity among scholarly communication librarians. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 11(1), eP15621. doi: 10.31274/jlsc.15621
- Hollister, C., & Patton, J. (2022). Faculty perceptions of an OER stipend program. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 28(4), 435-453. doi: 10.1080/13614533.2021.2000452.
- Kruger, J., & Hollister, C. (2021). Engaging undergraduate public health students through a textbook creation project. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 6(3), 226-234. doi: 10.1177/2373379920962416
- Hollister, C., Bjork, K., & Brower, S. (2021): A Multi-institutional model for advancing open access journals and reclaiming control of the scholarly record, Serials Librarian, 80(1-4), 59-64. doi: 10.1080/0361526X.2021.1863141
- Hollister, C. (2020). Using open pedagogy to engage LIS students: A case study. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 8(1), eP2357. doi: 10.7710/2162-3309.235
- Hollister, C. (2020). Collaborating with an international partner institution to mitigate the cost of course textbooks. Journal of Web Librarianship, 14(3/4), 57-73. doi: 10.1080/19322909.2020.1781019
- Hollister, C. (2017). Perceptions of scholarly communication among library and information studies students. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 5(1), eP2180. doi: 10.7710/2162-3309.2180
- Hollister C. (2016). An exploratory study on post-tenure research productivity among academic librarians. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 42(4), 368-381. doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2016.04.021
- Hollister C., & Schroeder, R. (2015). The impact of library support on education faculty research productivity: An exploratory study. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian, 34(3), 97-115. doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2016.04.021
- Hollister C. (2014). Content analysis of papers submitted to Communications in Information Literacy, 2007-2013. Communications in Information Literacy, 8(1), 50-69. doi: 10.15760/comminfolit.2014.8.1.159
- Schroeder, R. & Hollister C. (2014). Librarians' views on critical theories and critical practices. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian, 33(2), 91-119. doi: 10.1080/01639269.2014.912104
- Walsh, T. & Hollister C. (2009). Creating a digital archive for students’ research in a credit library course. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 48(4), 391-400. doi: 10.5860/rusq.48n4.391
- Hollister, C. (2008). Meeting them where they are: Library instruction for today’s students in the World Civilizations course. Public Services Quarterly. 4(1), 15-27. doi: 10.1080/15228950802135681
- Brower, S., Hollister, C., Tysick, C., & Pirrung, T. (2006). Tenure and recruitment: A survey of human resources officers. JLAMS: Journal of the Library Administration and Management Section of the New York Library Association, 2(2), 5-20.
- Hollister, C. & Jarvis, H. (2005). Expanding library instruction to the Web portal. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 9(2), 151-155.
- Hollister, C. (2005). Bringing information literacy to career services. Reference Services Review, 33(1), 104-111. doi: 10.1108/00907320510581414
- Hollister, C. & Coe, J. (2003). Current trends vs. traditional models: Librarians’ views on the methods of library instruction. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 10(2), 49-63. doi: 10.1300/J106v10n02_05
- Hollister, C. (2001). Price inflation and discrimination extends to non-STM disciplines: A study of library and information science journals. Current Studies in Librarianship, 24(1/2), 49-57.
- Hollister, C. (2013). Handbook of academic writing for librarians. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.(Revised ed., 2014)
- Hollister, C. (Ed.). (2010). Best practices for credit-bearing information literacy courses. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
Contributions to Books
- Vandegrift, M., & Hollister, C. Preface: Access is praxis. (2023). In M. Bonn, J. Bolick, & W. Cross (Eds.), Scholarly communication librarianship and open knowledge (pp. ix-x). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries.
- Hollister, C. (2012). Rising temperatures: The politics of information. In Herreid, C.F., Schiller, N.A., & Herreid, K.F. (Eds.), Science stories: Using case studies to teach critical thinking (pp. 253-259). Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association.
- Hollister, C. (2008). Making the case for enhanced learning: Using case studies in a credit-bearing library course. In Connor, E. (Ed.), An introduction to instructional services in academic libraries (pp. 95-105). New York: Haworth.
- Hollister, C. (2005). A new approach to information literacy: Reaching out to student services. In D. Biggs (Ed.), Library instruction: Restating the need, refocusing the response (pp. 105-108). Ann Arbor: Eastern Michigan University by Pierian Press.
Current research interests: critical information literacy, scholarly publishing, open access publishing, open educational resources, open pedagogical practices, and social justice in professional practice