Elizabeth Adelman
Director of the Law Library; Vice Dean for Legal Information Services; Associate University Librarian for Law
205 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260
- Ph: 716-645-2089
Office Hours
Office hours by appointment.
Education and Training
- J.D., Albany Law School, 2001
- M.L.S., School of Information and Library Studies, University at Buffalo, 1993
- B.A., University at Buffalo, 1992
Awards and Honors
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship, 2011
Elizabeth G. Adelman & Jessica de Perio Wittman, eds., Organizational Structures for Academic Law Libraries: Past, Present, and Future, Volume 1. W.S. Hein (2023).
Elizabeth G. Adelman, Courtney L. Selby, Brian T. Detweiler, and Kathleen Darvil, New York Legal Research, 4th ed., Carolina Academic Press (2020).
Elizabeth G. Adelman, Theodora Belniak, Courtney L. Selby, and Brian T. Detweiler, New York Legal Research, 3d ed., Carolina Academic Press (2015).
Elizabeth G. Adelman, Theodora Belniak, and Suzanne E. Rowe, New York Legal Research, 2d ed., Carolina Academic Press (2012).
Elizabeth G. Adelman & Suzanne E. Rowe, New York Legal Research, Carolina Academic Press (2008).
Nancy P. Johnson, Elizabeth G. Adelman, and Nancy J. Adams, Georgia Legal Research, Carolina Academic Press (2007).
Contributions to Books
Elizabeth G. Adelman, Centralization of the Academic Law Library: Is It Right For Your Institution?, in Academic law Libraries Within the Changing Landscape of Legal Education: A Primer for Deans and Provosts, at 189 (Michelle M. Wu et al, eds., 2020).
Elizabeth G. Adelman, The Three Percent: Common Issues in Nonautonomous Law School Libraries, in Academic Law Library Director Perspectives: Case Studies and Insights, at 53 (Michelle M. Wu ed., 2015).
Journal Articles (selected)
Elizabeth G. Adelman, Karen Shephard, Richard Patti, and Robert M. Adelman, Academic Law Library Director Status Since the Great Recession: Strengthened, Maintained, or Degraded? 112 Law Libr. J. 117 (2020).
Elizabeth G. Adelman, Andrew Kloc, Jeannine Lee, Betsy Vipperman, and David Voisinet, NYCRR Digital Archive (http://law.lib.buffalo.edu.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/nycrr/). Led collaborative digitization and database creation of publicly accessible New York regulatory history documents, 1945–2001; Charles B. Sears Law Library, University at Buffalo; Appellate Division 4th Department Law Library, Rochester; New York State Supreme Court Library, Buffalo; October 2015.
- AWARD: Selected among 2015 New York Library Association/Government Information Roundtable’s Notable New York Documents.
Professional Memberships
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), 2001–present
Elected Offices
AALL Executive Board
- AALL Immediate Past President (2023/24)
- AALL President (2022/23)
- AALL Vice President/President-Elect (2021/22)
- Executive Board Member (2017/18–2020/21)
Academic Libraries Special Interest Section (ALL-SIS)
- Chair-elect (2008/09); Chair (2009/10); Immediate Past Chair (2010/11)
Committees (selected)
Annual Meeting Program Committee, Chair (2016/17)
Conference of Newer Law Librarians Committee, Committee Member (2006/07–2008/09); Committee Chair (2008/09)
Law Student Research Competency Task Force (2010/11)
U.S. News Joint Task Force Steering Committee, AALL Representative (2019)
Mentoring Committee (2006/07–2007/08)
Selected recent presentations
“Future-proofing the Law Library: Effectively Incorporate Future-proofing into Library Strategic Planning.” Invited discussant, Southeastern Association of Law Schools Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. August 5, 2020.
“Leading Outside the Law Library: Unmask Your Leadership Potential Outside of Your Comfort Zone.” 2020 American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting. July 13-16, 2020. Co-proposer and moderator.