Erin Rowley
Head, Science and Engineering Library Services/Engineering Librarian
Pronouns: she/her/hers
119 Lockwood Memorial Library, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260
- Ph: 716-645-1369
Office Hours
Available for meetings and research consultations in person and via Zoom. Schedule an appointment here:
Make an appointment with me
The University at Buffalo is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards to ensure we provide equal access to all users. If you experience any difficulty in scheduling an appointment with me on this website, I will provide an alternative means of making an appointment. To request assistance or provide suggestions about improving the user experience, please contact me, Erin Rowley, via email (epautler@buffalo.edu) or phone (716-645-1369).
Department Liaison
Department of Biomedical Engineering; Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering; Department of Electrical Engineering; Department of Engineering Education; Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Department of Materials Design and Innovation; Department of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringEducation and Training
- MLS, University at Buffalo
- BA, Communication, State University of New York at Geneseo
2017- Associate Librarian (2023- present), Senior Assistant Librarian (2017-2023)
University Libraries, University at Buffalo
- Head, Science and Engineering Library Services (2018-present)
- Engineering Librarian (2017-present)
2009-2017 Supervisor I (2014-2017), Global Regulatory Specialist II (2011-2014), Information Specialist I (2009-2011)
Information Resources Center, Bureau Veritas Consumer Product Services, Buffalo, NY
Awards and Honors
2024 Innovation in Access to Engineering Information Award from the Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- For the book Teaching and Collecting Technical Standards: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators.
2024 Excellence in Scholarship Award from the State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA).
- For the book Teaching and Collecting Technical Standards: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators.
2024 Luminary Award from the Startup & Innovation Collaboratory (The CoLab) powered by Blackstone LaunchPad, University at Buffalo
- For support and guidance provided to students during their entrepreneurial journeys, and the development of the campus-based entrepreneurship and innovation center.
2011 Excellence Award from Bureau Veritas Consumer Product Services
- For a significant impact on new business revenue and market position, and exemplary demonstration of business values.
Leachman, C., Rowley, E.M., Phillips, M., Solomon, D. (Eds.). (2023). Teaching and Collecting Technical Standards: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators. Purdue University Press.
Contribution to Books (Refereed)
Rowley, E.M. (2023). Development through the Standardization Process. In C. Leachman, E.M. Rowley, M. Phillips, & D. Solomon (Eds.). Teaching and Collecting Technical Standards: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators (pp. 22-30). Purdue University Press.
Rowley, E.M. (2023). Standards Collection Development. In C. Leachman, E.M. Rowley, M. Phillips, & D. Solomon (Eds.). Teaching and Collecting Technical Standards: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators (pp. 49-58). Purdue University Press.
Rowley, E.M., Moore, K.R., Kuryloski, L. (2023). Case Study 12: Standards and Technical Communication for Engineering Undergraduate Students. In C. Leachman, E.M. Rowley, M. Phillips, & D. Solomon (Eds.). Teaching and Collecting Technical Standards: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators (pp. 147-149). Purdue University Press.
Journal Articles (Refereed)
McCormick, A.F., Rowley, E.M. (2024). Cancelling the ‘Big Deal’ at a Public University: A Discussion Analysis of STEM Faculty Perceptions and Post-Cancellation Usage Data. Practical Academic Librarianship. Accepted with revisions July 2024.
Phillips, M., Reed, J.B., Zwicky, D., Van Epps, A.S., Buhler, A., Rowley, E.M., Zhang, Q., Cox, J., Zakharov, W. (2024). Systematic Reviews in the Engineering Literature: A Scoping Review. IEEE Access, 12. https://doi-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3394755
Phillips, M., Rowley, E.M., McPherson, P. (2024). Librarian Perspectives on Technical Standards at Academic Institutions with Engineering Technology Programs. Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship, (106). https://doi-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/10.29173/istl2765
Kuryloski, L., Rowley, E.M., Moore, K.R. (2024). Introducing Engineering Students to Standards and Regulatory Research and Writing. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. https://doi-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/10.1109/TPC.2024.3356759
Klotzbach-Russell, C., Rowley, E.M., Starry, R. (2022). Librarians in the LaunchPad: Building Partnerships for Entrepreneurial Information Literacy. Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship. http://dx.doi.org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/10.1080/08963568.2021.1982567
Rowley, E.M., Wagner, A.B. (2019). Citing of Industry Standards in Scholarly Publications. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (92). https://doi-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/10.29173/istl27
Conference Papers (Refereed)
Carpenter, B. Rowley, E.M. (2024, June). Undergraduate Engineering Transfer Students and the One-Shot Library Resource Instruction: Using Nearpod to Promote Active Student Engagement. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon. https://peer-asee-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/48184
Rowley, E.M. (2023, June). The Teaching Needs of Engineering Faculty Compared to Business Faculty: How the Library and Librarian Fit In. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. https://peer-asee-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/44489
Moore, K.R., Folks, L., Rowley, E.M., Errington, J.E. (2023, June). Connecting the Dots: A Programmatic Approach to Data Science within Engineering. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore, Maryland. https://strategy-asee-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/42746
Rowley, E. (2021, July), Examining the Teaching Needs of Engineering Faculty: How the Library and Librarian Fit In. Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference. https://peer-asee-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/37125
Rowley, E., Kuryloski, L., Moore, K.R. (2020, June). Extending the Role of the Library and Librarian: Integrating Alternative Information Literacy into the Engineering Curriculum. Paper presented at 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Experience, Virtual Online. https://peer-asee-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/34656
Online Publications (Non-Refereed)
Rowley, E. with Tanaka, K., Cooper, D., Allred, N., Arguello, N., Bourke, B., Branch, N., Cadena, C., . . . Zawistoski, A. (2019). Teaching Business: Looking at the Support Needs of Instructors. Ithaka S+R. https://doi-org.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/10.18665/sr.312297
Rowley, E. (2019). Examining the Undergraduate Teaching Practices of Faculty in the School of Management. http://hdl.handle.net.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/10477/80367
Erin's research interests include the role of librarians in engineering education, entrepreneurship, and the role of technical industry standards (and other grey literature) in academic libraries.
Research Guides
Research Guides by Department:
- Biomedical Engineering Research
- Chemical and Biological Engineering Research
- Civil and Structural Engineering Research
- Electrical Engineering Research
- Engineering Education Research
- Environmental Engineering Research
- Industrial and Systems Engineering Research
- Materials Science and Engineering Research
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research
Other Research Guides:
Professional Memberships
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
- Secretary/Treasuer, 2024-2025
- Awards Committee, 2019-2024
- Chair 2019-2023
- Development Committee, 2018-2024
- Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
- Special Libraries Association (SLA)
- Upstate New York Community (UNYSLA)
- Past-President, 2021
- President, 2020
- President-Elect, 2019
- Upstate New York Community (UNYSLA)
McCormick, A.F., Rowley, E.M. (2023, September). Three Years Post ScienceDirect Cancellation: Where Do We Go From Here? United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG) Usage Data for Decision Making online seminar.
McCormick, A.F., Rowley, E.M. (2022, November). Cancelling the Big Deal at the University at Buffalo (SUNY): Two Years Out. United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG) Usage Data for Decision Making online seminar.
Rowley, E.M., McCormick, A.F. (2021, October). Cancelling the Big Deal at SUNY: Making the Decision and Impacts on STEM Faculty at the University at Buffalo. United Kingdom Serials Group Education Sub-Committee Meeting, “Usage Statistics for Decision Making.”
Carpenter, B. Rowley, E.M. (2024, June). Undergraduate Engineering Transfer Students and the One-Shot Library Resource Instruction: Using Nearpod to Promote Active Student Engagement. 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
Phillips, M., Reed, J.B., Zwicky, D. Rowley, E.M., Zhang, Q. M. (2024, June). Opaque and Unreproducible Systematic Reviews - Oh No! How Librarians Can Support Evidence Synthesis Projects in Engineering. 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
Durkin Ruth, K., Rowley, E.M. (2024, June). Who chooses STEM Librarianship? Revisiting and Refreshing a Study [Lightning Talk]. 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, Oregon.
Leachman, C., Phillips, M., Rowley, E.M., Solomon, D. (2023, November). An Introduction to Teaching and Collecting Technical Standards. Invited Speaker for Special Libraries Association (SLA) Engineering Community webinar.
Leachman, C., Phillips, M., Rowley, E.M., Solomon, D. (2023, October). Technical Standards Discussion with UIUC Graduate Students. Invited Speaker for Information Science Department students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign webinar.
Rowley, E.M. (2023, June). Examining the Teaching Needs of Engineering Faculty: How the Library and Librarian Fit In. 2023 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Rowley, E.M. (2023, June). Connecting the Dots: A Programmatic Approach to Data Science within Engineering. 2023 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Leachman, C., Rowley, E.M. Phillips, M., Solomon, D. (2022, June). Technical Standards: Critical Component of Engineering Librarianship. 2022 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Borden, H., Klotzbach-Russell, C., Rowley, E.M., Paquet, V., Burris C.J. (2022, June). Cultivating a Culture of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Engineering Education – An Opportunity to Engage Alumni and Industry Partners. Invited Panelist at the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE) 2022 Conference, Buffalo, New York.
Rowley, E.M., Klotzbach-Russell, C., Starry, R.L. (2021, August). Librarians in the LaunchPad: Collaborative Approaches to Supporting Inclusive Entrepreneurship. Special Libraries Association (SLA) Virtual Annual Conference.
Rowley, E.M. (2021, July). Examining the Teaching Needs of Engineering Faculty: How the Library and Librarian Fit In. 2021 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Virtual Annual Conference. https://osf-io.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/ey9bs/
Rowley, E.M., Kuryloski, L., Moore, K.R. (2020, June). Extending the Role of the Library and Librarian: Integrating Alternative Information Literacy into the Engineering Curriculum. 2020 ASEE Virtual Conference: At Home with Engineering Education. https://osf-io.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/rcwek/.
Rowley, E.M. (2020, May). A Researcher without Library: Accessing Scholarly Research Articles When you are No Longer a Student. Invited Speaker at the University at Buffalo Alumni Association Wednesday Webinar series.
Rowley, E.M., McCormick, A.F. (2021, June). Impacts of SUNY ScienceDirect Cancellation on STEM Faculty at UB. State University of New York Librarians Association (SUNYLA) 2021 Annual Conference.
Sullivan, R., Rowley, E.M. (2020, June). Best Practices for Supporting Students during the Transition to Remote Learning. State University of New York, SUNY Online webinar. Invited Panelist.
Rowley, E.M., Wilson, J. (2019, April). Project Management Basics: Learning the Basics to Improve Library Projects. Invited Speaker, Upstate New York Special Libraries Association (UNYSLA) Conference, Syracuse, NY.
Rowley, E.M. (2020, November). Roundtable Discussions at a Virtual Conference: An Experience from ASEE. Invited Speaker.
Rowley, E.M. (2019, September). UB IEEE Innovation & Entrepreneurship Panel Seminar. Invited Panelist. Buffalo, NY.