John R. Beatty
Faculty Scholarship Librarian in the Charles B. Sears Law Library
Pronouns: he/him/his
542 O'Brian Hall, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260
- Ph: 716-645-8590
- Fax: 716-645-8590
Office Hours
By appointment.
Education and Training
J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, 2015
M.S.L.I.S., Syracuse University School of Information Studies, 2005
B.S., Television-Radio, Roy H. Park School of Communications, 2000
June 2017 - Present | Faculty Scholarship Outreach Librarian, University at Buffalo School of Law, Buffalo, NY
July 2015 - June 2017 | Associate Attorney, Melvin & Melvin, PLLC, Syracuse, NY
October 2013 - May 2015 | Law Clerk, Melvin & Melvin, PLLC, Syracuse, NY
2010 - May 2012 | Head of Media and Access Services, Alex A. Hanna Law Library, St. Thomas University School of Law, Miami Gardens, FL
October 2006 - 2010 | Multimedia/Public Services Librarian, Alex A. Hanna Law Library, St. Thomas University School of Law, Miami Gardens, FL
Awards and Honors
Kenneth J. Hirsh Distinguished Service Award, American Association of Law Libraries Computing Services Special Interest Section, 2020
American Association of Law Libraries Leadership Academy (Fellowship), Oak Brook, IL, October 3–4, 2008
Contributions to Books
John R. Beatty, Citation Databases for Legal Scholarship: Comparing the Top 28 Law Faculties, in The Role of Citation in the Law: A Yale Law School Symposium (Michael Chiorazzi, ed., 2022). Available at https://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/law_librarian_book_sections/5.
Journal Articles (Refereed)
John R. Beatty, Open Access without Open Access Values: The State of Free and Open Access to Law Reviews, 115 Law Libr. J. 41 (2023). Available at https://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/law_librarian_articles/53.
John R. Beatty, Citation Sources for Legal Scholarship. 39 Legal Reference Servs. Q. 56 (Mar. 19, 2020). DOI: 10.1080/0270319X.2020.1738198. Available at http://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/law_librarian_articles/50.
John R. Beatty, Revisiting the Open Access Citation Advantage for Legal Scholarship, 111 Law Libr. J. 573 (2019). Available at http://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/law_librarian_articles/49.
Online Publications (Non-Refereed)
John Beatty, A Lawyer’s Duty to Understand Social Media, CS-SIS Computing Servs. Special Int. Sec., (Apr. 16, 2018), http://blog.cssis.org/2018/04/16/a-lawyers-duty-to-understand-social-media/.
Non-Refereed Serial Publications
John Beatty, <a href="http://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/law_librarian_other_scholarship/30">Building Our Own Tools in the Age of Elsevier: AALL 2017 Through the Lens of the bepress Acquisition </a>, ALL-SIS Newsl. (Am. Assoc. of Law Libr. Computing Servs. Special Interest Section, Chi., Ill.), Fall 2017, at 6. Available at http://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/law_librarian_other_scholarship/30.
Legal citation, bibliometrics, open access, scholarly communication.
Professional Memberships
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), 2006–2012, 2016–present
AALL 2024 Annual Meeting Programming Committee, Team Leader, 2023–2024
AALL 2023 Annual Meeting Programming Committee, Team Leader, 2022–2023
AALL 2020 Annual Meeting Programming Committee, 2019–2020
AALL 2019 Annual Meeting Programming Committee, 2018–2019
Special Interest Section and Caucus Committees:
Computing Services Special Interest Section Jobs Description Database Committee, Chair, 2019–2021
Computing Services Special Interest Section Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee, Member, 2018–2019
Computing Services Special Interest Section Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee, Chair, 2017–2018
Computing Services Special Interest Section Blog Committee, 2017–2018
Computing Services Special Interest Section Jobs Description Database Committee, Chair, 2010–2011
Computing Services Special Interest Section Emerging Technologies Committee, 2009–2010
Gen-X/Gen-Y Caucus Bylaws Committee, 2008–2009
Gen-X/Gen-Y Caucus Program Committee, 2008–2009
Law Repositories Caucus, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, 2023-2024
Law Repositories Caucus Projects Committee, Chair, 2018–2019
New York State Bar Association, 2014–present
Entertainment and Sports Law Section, 2019–present
Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries, 2006–2012
South Florida Association of Law Libraries, 2006–2012
Elected Offices Held:
Treasurer, 2008–2012
Batch Please: Leveraging Batch Record Loading for Integrated Library System Improvements and Enhancing Resource Discovery, American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, July 17, 2023. Co-presenter with Rebecca Bearden, Rachel Decker, and Susanna French. (Competitively selected.)
The Developing Landscape of Scholarly Communications in Law Schools, Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June 15–16, 2023. Co-presenter with Benjamin Carlson and Christine Anne George. (Competitively selected.)
The Down Lo(ad): How to Address Missing IR Downloads?, American Association of Law Libraries Legal Repositories Caucus Online Conference: How it Started, How it’s Going, online, April 25, 2022. Co-presenter with Christine Anne George, Aaron Retteen, Lauren Seney, and Karen Shephard. (Invited.)
Getting Started in Coding, American Association of Law Libraries Legal Repositories Caucus Sandbox Series, online, October 5, 2021. Presenter. (Invited.)
Citation Databases for Legal Scholarship: Ranking the Top 28 Faculties, Yale Law School Virtual Symposium on Citation and the Law, online, April 22, 2021. Presenter. (Competitively selected.)
Bring Your Own Device: No Longer an Option. American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, online, July 15, 2020. Coordinator and moderator. (Invited.)
Automating processing and intake in the institutional repository with Python. Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction Annual Conference, Columbia, SC, June 7, 2019. Presenter. (Competitively selected.)
Cool Tools Café. Lightning talk presentations and interactive technology demonstration session, American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Baltimore, OR, July 17, 2018. Coordinator and moderator. (Competitively selected.)
What Is It You Do Again? Marketing the Patron Services of the Traditional to the Non-traditional Librarian. Poster session, American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, July 12, 2010. (Competitively selected.)
CS-SIS Program: Cool Tools Café. Technology demonstration session, American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, July 11, 2010. Co-presenter with Dan Blackaby. (Invited.)
Fostering and Recruiting the Next Generation of Law Librarians. American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, July 14, 2008. Panel speaker with Pam Brannon, Terrye Conroy, and Karl T. Gruben (moderator). (Competitively selected.)
Edupunk: The Spirit of College Music in Academia. South Eastern Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Athens, GA, April 17, 2009. Panel speaker with Christine Heaton, Terrence Manion (moderator and coordinator), and Professor Patrick Wiseman. (Competitively selected.)
University Libraries Conference Reports Brown Bag Lunch Series. Presentation on the scholarly communications infrastructure in the wake of the Elsevier acquisition of bepress. University Libraries, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, November 15, 2017.