Laura Taddeo
Head, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Team
Pronouns: she, her, hers
421 Lockwood Memorial Library, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260
- Ph: 716-645-7970
Department Liaison
Head of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Team; Collections Coordinator for Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Library Liaison to the English Department; Collections, research, and instructional support; General and specialized research support (in-person and virtual) via appointments and Instant Librarian.
Education and Training
- MLS, University at Buffalo
- BA, English Literature (Major), Film Studies (Minor), University of Rochester
Awards and Honors
- Recipient of 2012 SUNY Chancellor Award for Excellence in Librarianship
Contributions to Books (Refereed)
- Accepted for Publication: “Talmud and Philosophy” Co-written with Sergey Dolgopolski, Oxford Bibliographies Online, Oxford University Press, anticipated publication spring 2021.
- "The Changing Nature of the Book: Literary Research, Cultural Studies, and the Digital Age,” co-written with Austin Booth. In Teaching Literary Research: Challenges in a Changing Environment: ACRL Publications in Librarianship #60: 197-233, June 2009.
- Bibliographer for British Literature Section, Resources for College Libraries (RCL). New Providence, N.J.: R.R. Bowker; [Chicago, Ill.]: American Library Association, 2006. (Bibliographer for Jane Austen, John Galsworthy and Anthony Trollope). Print and online editions.
Journal Articles (Refereed)
- “R U There? How to Reach a Virtual Audience through Affordable Marketing Strategies.” Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 13, no. 2 (2008): 227-44.
- "The Nuts, Bolts, and Teaching Opportunities of Real-Time Reference". Co-written with Jill Hackenberg, College & Undergraduate Libraries, Volume 13, Issue 3 (2006):63-85.
- "Information Access Post September 11: What Librarians Need to Know." Library Philosophy and Practice, Volume 8, no.4 (Fall 2006).
Book Reviews
- "The Virtual Reference Experience: Integrating Theory into Practice", Journal of the American Society of Information Science & Technology (JASIST), April 2006, Volume 57, Issue 6, Pages 843 - 844.
- "Internet Yellow Pages,""Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 2005, Volume 10, Number 1.
- "TechTV Leo Laporte's 2003 Technology Almanac,"Internet Reference Services Quarterly,2003, Volume 8, Number 3.
Professional Contributions
- Chair, Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)/Literatures in English Section (LES), (2014-15).
- Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect ACRL/LES (2013-14); ACRL/LES Secretary (2012-13).
Editorial Activities
- Newsletter Editor, Biblio-Notes, Newsletter published by the Literatures in English Section (LES), ACRL, June 2006-2010.
Research Guides
Professional Memberships
- American Libraries Association
- Modern Language Association
- “Early English Books at Your Fingertips: How Digital Primary Collections Can Change Research and Revitalize a Library.” The Text Creation Partnership (TCP) Conference: Bringing Text Alive: The Future of Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Electronic Publication, University of Michigan, September 16, 2006.
"Marketing Instant Librarian at UB," co-presenter on a panel titled "R U There, PPL? "Revving Virtual Reference, NYLA Annual Conference, Libraries: Cornerstone of the Empire State,October 26 - 29, 2005, Buffalo, New York.