Nancy Babb
Discovery Services Librarian and Electronic Resources Team Coordinator
135 Lockwood Memorial Library, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260
- Ph: 716-645-0394
Discovery services, cataloging, web development, Primo VE, OneSearch, electronic resources
Education and Training
- MLS, University at Buffalo, 2001
- BA, summa cum laude, Humanities, State University of New York College at Buffalo, 1998
- University Libraries, University at Buffalo, SUNY 2019-
- Charles B. Sears Law Library, University at Buffalo, SUNY 2002-2019
- "Who’ll Let the Dogs In? : Animals, Authorship, and the Library Catalog." in Speaking for Animals: Animal Autobiographical Writing, ed. Margo DeMello. New York: Routledge, 2013.
- "A Collaborative Web: the Law Library Website as a Tool for Cross-Departmental Technical and Public Services Collaboration and Cooperation," Legal Reference Services Quarterly, 27 (1), 49 – 63, 2008.
- "Bibliography versus Auto-Bibliography: Tackling the Transformation of Traditions in the Research Process," Law Library Journal, 98 (3), 2006.
- "Friends? Indeed! Library friends groups can support funding, development, and services for your institution," AALL Spectrum, 11 (1), 2006.
- With Cindy Tysick. "Writing Support for Junior Faculty Librarians: a case study," Journal of Academic Librarianship, 32 (1), 2006.
- "Cataloging Spirits and the Spirit of Cataloging," Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 40 (2), 2005.
- Various articles and editorial, "ALLUNY Newsletter," 2003-2016.
Research interests include library history and development, cataloging, bibliography, popular culture, comics, children's literature
Professional Memberships
- State University of New York Librarians Association, 2002; 2017-
- American Library Association, 2002-2009; 2015-
- Association for Library Collections and Technical Services, 2002-2003; 2015-
- American Association of Law Libraries, 2002-2020
- Academic Law Libraries Special Interest Section, 2005-2020
- Animal Law Caucus, 2010-2020
- President, 2015-2016
- Vice President/President-Elect, 2014-2015
- Computing Services Special Interest Section, 2007-2020
- Council of Newsletter Editors, 2003-2010
- Co-chair, 2006-2007
- Technical Services Special Interest Section, 2002-2020
- Association of Law Libraries of Upstate New York, 2002-2020
- President, 2010-2011
- Vice President/President-Elect, 2009-2010
- Chair, Newsletter Committee, and Editor, ALLUNY Newsletter, 2006-2012
- Board of Directors, 2005-2009; 2011-2012
- Webmaster, 2004-2017
- Co-chair, Newsletter Committee, and Co-editor, ALLUNY Newsletter, 2003-2005.
- On-Line Audiovisual Catalogers, 2004-2020