Visitor and Courtesy Borrowing Programs
The University Libraries’ Visitor and Courtesy Borrower programs allow users to borrow generally circulating and media-formatted materials from any University at Buffalo Library as well as access article databases and electronic journals while visiting the libraries. Off-campus access to electronic resources is not available.

- AcademicSHARE Program Member
- Corporate Borrower Program
- UB Alumni Association Lifetime Members
- Friends of the University Libraries Member
- UB Retirees (non-emeritus)
Library records associated with visitor and courtesy borrower accounts are protected by New York State Law, Civil Practice and Rules, Section 4509, Confidentiality of Library Records.
A Library Visitor or Courtesy Borrower card is required for borrowing privileges.
Library Visitors
A Library Visitor account may be issued to individuals who qualify for borrowing privileges under the AcademicSHARE, Corporate Borrower, or Lifetime Alumni programs. Note that although the Lifetime Alumni program no longer accepts new members, the Libraries will honor borrowing privileges to those who had previously joined the program.
Qualifying individuals may request a Visitor Library card by filling the application
You must apply for a Visitor Borrower card by using the online application. It will take 3-5 business days to process and issue individual cards. Applicants must present photo identification and an official Lifetime Alumni membership card if applicable, in order to receive their Visitor Borrower card.
Local institutions that are not involved in the health sciences and that do not have in-house libraries may apply for the University Libraries Corporate Borrower program. A written request, including a statement explaining the need for access to University Libraries’ resources, must be emailed to for consideration. We have provided a sample letter that includes examples of required information. The institution assumes financial responsibility for items borrowed through this program and for the conduct of its representatives while visiting the University.
UB Alumni Association Members
The Libraries will extend Library Research Station access and in library use of collections to alumni. This does not include borrowing privileges or off-campus access to electronic resources. Alumni interested in borrowing privileges may wish to purchase a Friends of the University Libraries membership.
UB Alumni Association Lifetime Members
The Libraries will extend borrowing privileges to those who had previously joined the Alumni Association’s former Lifetime Alumni program, while it was available. This does not include off-campus access to electronic resources.
Eligible members may request borrowing privileges by submitting Library Visitor application.
Visitor account-holders may
- Borrow general collection and media-formatted materials for 30 days
- Renew materials up to 90 days from the original loan date using My Account
- Borrow up to 25 items at one time
- Place up to 25 requests at one time
Note that all materials are subject to recall.
Overdue Library Materials
- As a courtesy, due-date reminders are sent via email
- At 5 days past due, library accounts are blocked
- At 10 days past due, library accounts are billed the cost of non-returned library material(s) and a non-refundable $25.00 fee for each past-due item
Note: Borrowers are responsible for all charges, whether or not courtesy notices are received.
Courtesy Borrowers
A Courtesy Borrower account may be issued to retired University at Buffalo employees, Law School alumni, local members of the bar, and to members of the Friends of the University Libraries program. Qualifying individuals may request a Courtesy Library card by filling out the application.
You must apply for a Courtesy Borrower card by using the online application. It will take 3-5 business days to process and issue individual cards. Applicants must present photo identification and proof of retirement if applicable, in order to receive their Visitor Borrower card.
NOTE: Friends of the Library will have to provide proof of payment before a card can be issued.
Retired, non-emeritus faculty and staff of the University at Buffalo may request borrowing privileges by submitting a Library Courtesy Account application.
Membership in the Friends of the University Libraries Borrower program is open to the public.
Interested users may apply for membership by submitting a Library Courtesy Account application form Friends of the University Libraries must submit a membership fee of $50.00 per year. To submit payment, please call the Libraries Finance Office at 716-645-5950 or by email at Members must provide proof of payment in order to obtain their Courtesy Borrower card.
Law School alumni and local members of the bar may obtain borrowing privileges in the Law Library. Only the Law Library circulation department may issue cards. Borrowing privileges are limited to circulating collections in the University Libraries. Special collections, including but not limited to archival materials, reference collections, and study aids, are restricted to in-library use.
Local members of the bar must present a driver license or other government-issued photo identification and a current bar membership card or current courthouse photo identification. Law School alumni may present a Law School Alumni card, or the Law Library can verify their alumni status Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
Library Courtesy borrowing
Library Courtesy borrowers may
- Borrow general collection and media-formatted materials for 30 days
- Renew materials up to 90 days from the original loan date using My Account
- Borrow up to 10 items at one time
- Place up to 10 requests at one time
Note that all materials are subject to recall.
Library Overdue and Fine Notices
- As a courtesy, due-date reminders are sent via email
- At 5 days past due, library accounts are blocked
- At 10 days past due, library accounts are billed the cost of the non-returned library material(s) and non-refundable $25.00 fee for each past-due item
Note: Borrowers are responsible for all charges, whether or not courtesy notices are received.
My Account
Library Visitor and Courtesy users may use My Account to
- View items on loan (click the number next to “Items on Loan”)
- View due dates
- Renew eligible items
- View and pay library fines and fees
- View requests placed on library materials
To use My Account
- Go to My Account
- Click “Login”
- Log in using your UBIT name and password