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Journey of Discovery Undergraduate Research Contest


Did you know you can turn your research project into cash?

Searching for the answer to a question takes you in a different direction from where you initially started. What begins as a straightforward research project often becomes complex as you explore the books, articles, archival materials, and other resources related to your topic. Along the way, a librarian or library service may introduce you to resources you never knew existed. Ultimately, the journey of discovery becomes just as valuable as finding the answer to your question.

The UB Libraries would like to know about your Journey of Discovery.

The UB Libraries' Journey of Discovery Undergraduate Research Contest recognizes excellence in student research that incorporates significant use of information resources provided by the Libraries.


The Journey of Discovery Undergraduate Research Contest is open to all University at Buffalo undergraduate students who completed a research paper or project between January 2024 and March 2025.

Individual or group papers/projects are eligible. For group submissions, the submission must list the names of all students involved in the paper/project.


The winner of the contest will receive a $500 cash prize and a certificate of achievement from the UB Libraries. For group submissions, the award will be split among the students.


Submissions will be accepted beginning January 27, 2025, and will close at noon on April 14, 2025.

Submission Procedure

In a reflective essay (750-1000 words) or video (10 minutes or less), tell us how a library resource, service, space, or person(s) challenged you in a way that changed the course of your original research project.

Along with your essay or video, please include a final or near final version of the research paper or project that resulted from this encounter. If your project or paper did not include a bibliography, please provide one or another suitable list of sources consulted.

Some examples of eligible research projects include:

  • Research paper
  • Lab or clinical research investigation
  • Photography
  • Film/Video
  • Product or prototype development
  • Mapping or GIS project
  • Artwork
  • Architecture project/model
  • Database development
  • Field trip/site exploration
  • Website

Once you have compiled all your materials, please complete the submission form and upload your materials as attachments. Written projects and documents should be uploaded as PDFs or Word documents while digital or multimedia projects can be submitted as links or in other formats.

For any questions regarding the Journey of Discovery Undergraduate Research Contest submission process, please contact Mary Kamela, Student Support and Engagement Librarian, at

Evaluation Criteria

The winner will be chosen by a panel of librarians, faculty and staff, and will be judged on:

  • Time: research must have been conducted between January 2024 and March 2025;
  • Use of the library: sophistication, originality, or unusual depth or breadth in the use of library resources, services, spaces, and/or person(s);
  • Originality: exceptional ability to locate, select, evaluate, and synthesize library resources, and to use them in the creation of a project in any media that shows originality and/or has the potential to lead to original research in the future; and
  • Learning: evidence of significant personal learning and the development of a pattern of research and inquiry that shows the likelihood of persisting in the future.

In judging the prize, the primary focus will be on the evidence of the student’s research strategy, process, personal learning, and synthesis into a meaningful project. The expectations for achievement will be judged in relationship to the applicant’s class year and the general culture of the discipline.