Legal Information Management and Analysis, JD/MS Program


About the Program

A Collaborative Agreement Leading to JD and MS Degrees

School of Law and Department of Library and Information Studies, Graduate School of Education

The program in Legal Information Management and Analysis offers qualified students the opportunity to combine studies and professional training in law and library and information studies. The program offers a unique preparation for students interested in careers as law librarians and legal information professionals, and leads to both a JD degree and a Master’s degree (MS) in Information and Library Science.

The MS program provides a solid grounding in techniques of librarianship and knowledge management. Students in the JD program gain a critical understanding of legal concepts, information resources and services. Successful candidates receive a JD and a Master’s degree in Information and Library Science in an accelerated course of study. The collaborative agreement allows completion of both degrees in four years, rather than the four and a half to five years traditionally required to earn both degrees individually. Possession of both JD and Master's degrees is a common requirement for entry-level positions in academic law libraries, and is essential for advancement in the profession of academic law librarianship. Training in both law and information studies prepares graduates for new opportunities in publishing and other aspects of the legal information industry.

Program Sequence

Candidates for the JD and MS degrees begin the program by spending the first year in either the Law School or the Department of Library and Information Studies. Students starting in the Law School typically spend the second year in residence at DLIS by taking 24 credit hours in the MS program. In years three and four, students take a combination of Law and DLIS courses, including at least 12 credits of cross-listed and DLIS courses.* To ensure compliance with all necessary degree requirements, each student will work out an individual course of study in consultation with both DLIS and the Law School.

JD/MS Course Requirements

JD candidates, as part of their Law School program, are strongly encouraged take a broad variety of courses to become familiar with a range of legal information. All JD/MS students are required to take Law Library Administration (cross-listed in both DLIS and the Law School). Additional recommended courses and seminars provide a variety of perspectives on the sources of law and the nature of different legal systems.

Suggested Curriculum

  • Year 1: Law School (31.5 credits: core program)*
  • Year 2: DLIS (24 credits)*
  • Year 3: Law School (28.5 credits; includes 1 or 2 DLIS or cross-listed courses)
  • Year 4: Law School (30 credits; includes 1 or 2 DLIS or cross-listed courses)

*The sequence of the first two years may be reversed. University policy requires that the total shared credit towards the JD and MS degrees may not exceed 13 credit hours.

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Course Credit Requirements

Students must fulfill the course credit requirements of the respective programs.

Law School: To meet the requirements for a JD, students must successfully complete 90 credits of course work, 31.5 in the core first-year program. The remaining 58.5 credits are earned through required upper division writing and skills courses, along with at least one seminar and electives. The Law School will accept up to 9 hours of law-related graduate courses in other departments toward the JD degree.

DLIS: The MS degree is awarded on the completion of 36 credit hours, 9 attributable to core required courses. DLIS will accept a maximum of 6 credits from another graduate department or school toward the MS. Each student must file a correct Plan of Study with the DLIS office before being eligible for graduation.


Prospective students must submit separate applications and be admitted to the University at Buffalo School of Law and the UB Graduate School of Education Department of Library and Information Studies, going through the normal admissions procedure for each unit. Application to both schools may be simultaneous, or students admitted to Law or the MS program may opt for the collaborative agreement during their first year and then seek admission to the other school.

Apply through:

Financial Aid

The Law School and the Department of Library and Information Studies offer limited scholarship aid to exceptionally qualified students.

For more information

Law Library contact:
Beth Adelman

Law School contact:
Melinda R. Saran
Vice Dean for Student Affairs

Department of Library and Information Studies contact:
Brenda L. Battleson White
Clinical Assistant Professor