Legal Papers Collections

The Law Library Legal Papers Collections include papers donated by former legislators about specific pieces of legislation or legislative hearings, collections of papers on specific cases, and a collection of Tibetan legal manuscripts.

  • Watergate Collection
    This collection consists of original notebooks and the investigative files collected by Mr. Dixon when he served as counsel to the United States Congress, House Committee on the Judiciary during the impeachment proceedings regarding President Richard M. Nixon. Included are many handwritten notes. Some of this material was published as official government documents and Law Library holdings are so noted.
  • Onondaga Nation Land Claim Records
    The collection includes official court filings, historical and legal experts' reports and maps, a transcript of oral argument, and background research materials prepared during the ongoing litigation. Also included is related information collected by the processor, Karen L. Spencer, the Archives and Special Collections Librarian in the Charles B. Sears Law Library. The Charles B. Sears Law Library maintains a collection of historical materials generated or collected by various departments in the Law Library, including administrative and faculty reports, correspondence, exhibits, publications, photographs, clippings, and more.
  • Seneca Land Claim Records
    Collection includes official court filings and decisions, expert reports and maps, and background research materials prepared during the New York Attorney General's defense of the Grand Island an Oil Springs Reservation land claims. Included in Series III is a microfilm copy of the Paul G. Reilly Collection held at Butler Library, State University of New York College at Buffalo.
  • Tibetan Legal Manuscripts
    In 2004, Prof. Rebecca French donated 10 Tibetan legal manuscripts to the Law Library. Prof. French is a noted scholar on Tibetan Buddhism and law and is author of the seminal work, The Golden Yoke: The Legal Cosmology of Buddhist Tibet (Cornell Univ. Press, 1995).