The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI), a non-profit consortium of law schools, law libraries, and related organizations, has named Elizabeth Adelman, vice dean for legal information services in the UB School of Law and director of the Charles B. Sears Law Library, to CALI’s Legal Research Revision Fellowship.
Composed of seven professionals from the legal research community across several U.S. law schools, the Fellowship serves the need for law students to understand the law better. The group’s goal is to revise up to 70 CALI Legal Research lessons to reflect today’s teaching pedagogy and current circumstances. All revisions are peer-reviewed by the Fellowship Team, and everyone at the CALI member law schools will have access to these updated lessons in mid-2021.
“CALI offers Legal Research tutorials used tens of thousands of times each year by law students. Keeping these materials up to date is a major project and we are excited to be working with a seasoned and committed Fellowship Team,” said John Mayer, Executive Director, CALI. “This is the essence of CALI – focused, collaborative effort to create quality learning materials that benefit everyone. ABA Standard 302 requires law schools to establish learning outcomes for legal research – among other things. These lessons address this need directly.”