VI.E.8: [VI.B.50.d]: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Manuscripts: Holograph Draft Addition for Haveth Childers Everywhere for III.3 (1930):
Material Description and Collation
The manuscript is a sheet of unlined paper, with writing on both sides of the sheet. The text (as well as Herbert Hughes’s London address) on the recto is in Paul Léon’s hand in lead pencil. There are other notations (possibly printers’ notations) on the recto and verso in one or more unidentified hands in lead pencil.
The manuscript measures approximately 27.1 x 21.1 cm.
The text is a draft of an insertion for Haveth Childers Everywhere (Paris and New York: Henry Babou & Jake Kahane and The Fountain Press, 1930; Slocum and Cahoon A41). Paul Léon copied the text on the first page proofs (BL MS 474784b, f. 490; JJA 59.263). See Haveth Childers Everywhere 60.15–61.03, as well as FW 549.36–550.03
Other Markings
Several numbers on the recto are crossed through in red crayon.
This manuscript was probably prepared in May 1930.
The manuscript has been reproduced in black and white photo-facsimile on JJA 40.346 and 347.