IX. Miscellaneous Manuscripts
A: Loose Sheets (1900–1936)
- IX.A.1: Holograph Fragment of an Unknown Narrative (Probably 1900)
- IX.A.2: "Work in Progress" / Finnegans Wake Reading Notes (1929)
- IX.A.3: Holograph Transcription from The Freeman’s Journal (1928)
- IX.A.4: Partial Typed Copies of Newspaper Reviews Prepared for Ulysses (Probably 1920–1921)
- IX.A.5: Reading Script for Joyce’s Recording of "Anna Livia Plurabelle" (Finnegans Wake I.8) for the Orthological Institute in Cambridge (1929)
- IX.A.6.a [IX.A.6]: Partial Scribal Transcription of "Sullivan" ["From a Banned Writer to a Banned Singer"] (1931–1932)
- IX.A.6.b: Typescript of the French Translation of "From a Banned Writer to a Banned Singer" as "De Honni-Soit a Mal-y-Chance" (1936)
- IX.A.7: Partial Typescript of a Danish Interview (1936)
- IX.A.8: Loose Sheets: Draft of a Letter by Joyce in Danish (1936)
- IX.A.9: Typescript of "Tim Finnegan’s Wake" (1936)
- IX.A.10.i: Typescript of "Twilight of Madness Descends on Swift" with Glossary (1928)
- IX.A.10.ii: Further Typescript of "Twilight of Madness Descends on Swift" with Glossary (1928)
B: Miscellaneous Manuscripts: Dubliners (1917–1926)
- IX.B.1 [IX.B.2.]: Errata (1917)
- IX.B.2.a [IX.B.1.a.]: Partial Page Proofs of the French Translation of "Grace" for Gens de dublin as "De par la Grace"
- IX.B.2.b [IX.B.1.b.]: Partial Page Proofs of the French Translation of "The Dead" for Gens de dublin as "Les Morts" (1923)<
- IX.B.3: Typescript of French translation of "Araby" (1926)
- La Hune, item 72; Slocum & Cahoon, item E.12.d.ii