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VI.F.3.a [VI.E.3.a]: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Typescripts: Partial Earlier Typing of a Page for transition 27/Finnegans Wake II.3§4 (1938):

Material Description and Collation

The manuscript consists of a loose sheet of unlined, ivory paper, watermarked with an image of a hot air balloon and "VIDALON" underneath. It is a double-spaced typewritten top (original) black ink copy, with no corrections or additions; the verso is blank.


The manuscript measures 27.0 x 21.0 cm.


The number "– 2 –" was typed in the upper right corner of the page.


The manuscript is a discarded earlier attempt at typing a page of the typescript of the "Butt and Taff" section for transition 27 (February-March 1938). See transition 27, 59.19–20 as well as FW 338.20–22.

JJA Draft Code



The manuscript was probably typed in early 1938.


The typescript was reproduced in black and white photo-facsimile on JJA 55.191. The manuscript was folded in half horizontally.


This is a discarded earlier attempt at typing this page of the typescript; the retyping is BL MS 47480, f. 72r (see JJA 55.137).