Buffalo’s first track team formed during the 1899-1900 academic year. It did itself proud by winning a mile relay race at an indoor meet at the 74th Armory on March 3rd, 1900. The members of this team were: Peter McPherson, Wm. W. Carlton, G. McK. Hall, L. W. H. Gibbs, L. R. Bums, Cotton and Archeson.
Track Team 1899-1900

Winners of Mile Relay Race. 74th. R. A. A. Indoor Meet, March 3rd. 1900
- PETER McPHERSON. Dental ’01, Geneseo, N.Y.
U. of B. F. B. Team, 1898-99.
U. of B. Track Team, 1898-99-00.
Age, 24 Years.
Height, 5 ft. 7 1/2 in.
Weight, 155 lbs. - WM. W. CARLETON, Medical ’01, Waterloo, N.Y.
Age, 21 years
Height, 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight, 138 lbs. - G. McK. HALL, Medical ’01, Galt, Ont.
Galt A. A. A. 1896-97.
U. of B. F. B. Team, 1899.
U. of B. Track Team, 1898-99-00.
Age, 24 years.
Height, 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight, 178 lbs. - L. W. H. GIBBS, Law, ’00, Limestone. N.Y.
Alfred Univ. 1894-98.
U. of B. F. B. Team, 1898-99.
U. of B. Track Team, 1898-99-00.
Age, 24 years.
Height, 6 ft. 1 in. Weight, 175 lbs. - T. R. BURNS, Law, ’01, Buffalo, N.Y.
B. C. H. S. 1895-96-97.
U. of B. Track Team, (Sub) 1900.
Age, 24 years.
Height, 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight, 152 lbs. - COTTON, Pharmacy, ’00, Perry, N.Y.
Univ. of Michigan, 1897-98.
U. of B. F. B. Team, 1899.
U. of B. Track Team (sub), 1900.
Age, 21 years.
Height, 5 ft. 8lh in.
Weight, 160 lbs. - ACHESON, Medical, ’00, Rochester, N.Y.
Univ. of Rocllester, 1896.
U. of B. Track Team, 1897.
U. of B. Track Team, (Sub) 1900.
Age, 24 years.
Height, 5 ft. 8lh in.
Weight, 1521bs.
Track Team 1917-1918

From the Buffalo Courier, March 2, 1918. The members of this team were: Minimack, O’Brian, Coates, Ehringer, Cutrona, Lindgren and Paul.
Track Team 1918-1919

From the University Bison, 1919.