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Reference E-resources

A collection of online reference e-books, databases and websites. Those marked PUBLIC are freely available, while the rest are UB Only resources and require login with a UT IT name and password.

Subject Areas


  • Methods in Enzymology, v.1 (1955) to present
    The gold standard of laboratory practice and essential publication for researchers in all fields of life sciences and biotechnology. Each topical issue, organized by a guest editor who is an expert in the area, consists solely of invited quality articles by specialist authors. Issues are devoted to specific technical approaches with emphasis on clear detailed descriptions of easily reproduced protocols.


Biomedical Life Sciences

  • Colloquium Digital Library of Life Sciences, Collections 1, 2 & 3
    An original collection of PDF e-books for researchers, instructors, and advanced-level students in the biomedical life sciences. Each e-book is an accessible overview of a research area/topic, authored by a leading expert in the field. They are intended as timesaving research tools for non-specialists in related fields, and as teaching materials for upper-level courses in the biomedical life sciences.
  • Subject areas covered are Biotechnology, Building Blocks of the Cell: Cell Structure and Function, Cell Biology of Medicine, The Developing Brain, Developmental Biology, The Genetic Basis of Human Disease, Genomic and Molecular Medicine, Integrated Systems Physiology: From Molecule to Function to Disease, Neurobiology of Alzheimer's Disease, Neuroglia in Biology and Medicine: From Physiology to Disease, Neuropeptides, Protein Activation and Cancer, Stem Cell Biology, and Quantitative Cell Biology.

Career and Education Resources in the Health Sciences

Citation Style Guides (see also Writing)

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Consumer Health

Cultural Competence




eBook Collections

  • ebrary Academic Complete
    The University Libraries has a subscription this dynamic collection of over 120,000 e-books across a wide variety of academic disciplines. Identify titles by using the “Everything” search option on the libraries home page or go to the ebrary Academic Complete website. Unfortunately, these titles are not included in the libraries catalog.


General Reference

Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests



  • PsychiatryOnline
    Collection of psychiatric reference books and journals. Includes DSM-5, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition.




Nursing Data


Occupational Health


Physical Therapy

Public Health

  • Essential Epidemiology: An Introduction for Students and Health Professionals, 2011, 2nd edition
  • HealthMap PUBLIC
    Provides a current view of the global state of infectious diseases and their effect on human and animal health. Aggregates data from disparate data sources and displays diseases by location. The real-time information is especially useful for public health alerts and international travelers.
  • Project Tycho: data for health PUBLIC
    From the University of Pittsburgh, advances the availability and use of public health data for science and policy making. Includes data from all weekly notifiable disease reports for the United States dating back to 1888. The Project Tycho team is continuously engaging in new partnerships with scientists, funding, and public health agencies around the world to add or connect new historical and current datasets to the system, including global dengue surveillance data and Chikungunya data for Latin America. Analytics range from creative data visualizations to reveal population level patterns of disease spread to spatial and temporal statistics and data mining methods. Data are categorized in three levels based on the type of counts included. Level 1 includes different types of counts that have been standardized into a common format for a specific analysis published recently in the NEJM. Level 2 data only includes counts that have been reported in a common format, e.g. diseases reported for a one week period and without disease subcategories. These data can be used immediately for analysis. Level 3 data include all the different types of counts ever reported, which requires extensive harmonization work.

Radiation Safety

  • Health Physics and Radiological Health, 2012, 4th edition
    A comprehensive data reference for anyone involved in health physics or radiation safety. Data is presented in large tables, including the latest NCRP recommendations, which are tabulated and given in both SI and traditional units.

Research Methods




