VI.C.1–18: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Scribal NotebookS: (1933–1937)1
General Introduction
In 1933, eleven years after Joyce had started taking notes for his last work and about six years before Finnegans Wake was published, he engaged an amanuensis to transcribe in a clear and legible hand the uncrossed entries in most of the primary notebooks that he had compiled to date. Joyce wrote Madame France Raphael a note on the front flyleaf verso of MS VI.B.34, the third primary notebook she transcribed, that reads: "Dear Mrs Raphael | Many thanks | for your kind offer | of assistance and I | hope it may | lead to a good result". She worked as Joyce’s amanuensis from late 1933 through early 1937, with a hiatus from the spring of 1934 to early 1935, presumably because she had been injured in an automobile accident (see JJII 671–672).
In total she transcribed thirty-three of the Buffalo VI.B notebooks (as well as the loose sheets MSS VI.B.49.a–c and one sheet of a notebook that is now catalogued as Buffalo MS VI.B.17 but is now part of the "Joyce Papers 2002" collection at the National Library of Ireland [MS 36,639/19]). Furthermore, Mme Raphael also transcribed at least five no longer extant "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake notebooks (catalogued as Buffalo MSS VI.D.1–VI.D.3, VI.D.5, and VI.D.6), four Ulysses notebooks (catalogued as MS VI.D.4), which are now at the National Library of Ireland (MSS 36,639/03–05/A–B), and at least one further Ulysses notebook that is not known to be extant (catalogued as Buffalo MS VI.D.7). The precise number of further missing primary notebooks for which there are no scribal copies is not known. Of the fifteen primary notebooks Mme Raphael did not transcribe, eight postdate her employment (MSS VI.B.44, VI.B.42, VI.B.46, VI.B.45, VI.B.41, VI.B.47, VI.B.30, and VI.B.48).
In the same ways he used his primary notebooks, Joyce used some of the entries from most of these scribal notebooks for his work from 1934 to 1938. For an account of the evidence for the dating, ordering, as well as the draft usage of the C-series notebooks, see Danis Rose’s preface to JJA 41.xi–xx, his further work in the James Joyce Archive: An Index, pp. 165–168, and the Textual Diaries.
General Material Description and Collation
Except for MS VI.C.18, all these scribal notebooks (VI.C.1–VI.C.17) have the same dimensions (18.8 x 14.5 cm.). MSS VI.C.1–VI.C.5 and VI.C.10–VI.C.17 are made of the same blue horizontally ruled, unpaginated paper and have 140 leaves (280 pages).
The only differences between these manuscripts are that MSS VI.C.1, VI.C.4, VI.C.11, VI.C.12, VI.C.14, VI.C.15, and VI.C.17 have maroon floral design covers, with black tape spines, and MSS VI.C.2, VI.C.3, VI.C.5, VI.C.10, VI.C.13, and VI.C.16 have dark blue floral design covers, also with black tape spines. On the other hand, MSS VI.C.6–VI.C.9 are made of the same ruled and unpaginated paper as MSS VI.C.1–VI.C.5 and VI.C.10–VI.C.17, but only have 138 leaves (276 pages) and have black-and-white covers. MS VI.C.18 (which also contains the primary notebook MS VI.B.41) is unlike any of the scribal notebooks, but is similar to a kind of notebook Joyce used consistently but not exclusively from 1928 to 1938 (see also Finnegans Wake Buffalo MSS VI.B.21, VI.B.26, VI.B.4, VI.B.24, VI.B.29, VI.B.28, VI.B.32, VI.B.33, VI.B.31, VI.B.36, and VI.B.38).
Note that the page counts of the first and last gatherings do not include the endpapers. It is also possible that in some cases one of the shades of red colored crayons that have been identified here may actually be an orange colored crayon.
General Contents
It appears either that Joyce did not give Mme Raphael the notebooks in any particular order or that she transcribed the notebooks that were given to her in a seemingly random order. The following table correlates the contents of the primary and scribal notebooks in the order in which the scribal notebooks were most likely compiled, except for VI.C.11, which is placed last because it cannot be definitively dated:
Scribal Notebook | Primary Notebook(s) |
MS VI.C.1, pp. [001]–[074] MS VI.C.1, pp. [075]–[208] MS VI.C.1, pp. [209]–[280] |
MS VI.B.16, pp. [013]–[146] MS VI.B.11, pp. [001]–[170] MS VI.B.34, pp. [001]–[172] |
MS VI.C.2, pp. [001]–[005] MS VI.C.2, pp. [006]–[122] MS VI.C.2, pp. [123]–[197] MS VI.C.2, pp. [198]–[280] |
MS VI.B.34, pp. [172]–[185] MS VI.B.2, front cover verso–back cover verso [MS VI.D.1; missing notebook(s)] MS VI.B.6, pp. [001]–[136] |
MS VI.C.3, pp. [001]–[050] MS VI.C.3, pp. [051]–[177] MS VI.C.3, pp. [176]–[242] MS VI.C.3, pp. [243]–[280] |
MS VI.B.6, pp. [136]–[191] MS VI.B.1, pp. [001]–[180] [MS VI.D.2; missing notebook(s)] MS VI.B.20, front cover verso– p. [068] |
MS VI.C.4, pp. [001]–[027] MS VI.C.4, pp. [028]–[153] MS VI.C.4, pp. [154]–[219] MS VI.C.4, pp. [220]–[280] |
MS VI.B.20, pp. [068]–back cover recto MS VI.B.5, p. front cover verso–[161] MS VI.B.9, p. [001]–back cover recto [MS VI.D.3; missing notebook(s); first part] |
MS VI.C.5, pp. [001]–[091] MS VI.C.5, pp. [092]–[169] MS VI.C.5, pp. [170]–[221] MS VI.C.5, pp. [221]–[223] MS VI.C.5, pp. [224]–[280] |
[MS VI.D.3; missing notebook(s); continued] MS VI.B.10, pp. [001]–[120] MS VI.B.17, pp. [001]–[068] [Probably MS VI.B.17; missing pages] MS VI.B.7, front flyleaf recto–p. [197] |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [001]–[019] MS VI.C.7, pp. [020]–[135] MS VI.C.7, pp. [136]–[198] MS VI.C.7, pp. [199]–[201] MS VI.C.7, pp. [202]–[234] MS VI.C.7, pp. [235]–[254] MS VI.C.7, pp. [255]–[269] MS VI.C.7, pp. [270]–[276] |
MS VI.B.7, p. [198]–back flyleaf recto MS VI.B.8, pp. [001]–[240] NLI MS 36,639/05/A, pp. [3r]–[30r] NLI MS 36,639/05/A, pp. [1r]–[6r] NLI MS 36,639/05/B, pp. [1r]–[12v] NLI MS 36,639/04, pp. [1v]–[12v] NLI MS 36,639/03, pp. [1r]–[15v] MS VI.B.12, front cover verso–p. [006] |
MS VI.C.6, pp. [001]–[140] MS VI.C.6, pp. [140]–[141] MS VI.C.6, pp. [141]–[142] MS VI.C.6, p. [142] MS VI.C.6, pp. [142]–[149] MS VI.C.6, pp. [150]–[239] MS VI.C.6, p. [240]–back flyleaf verso |
MS VI.B.12, p. [006]–back cover recto [Missing page(s), possibly from MS VI.B.6] MS VI.B.49.c [loose leaf from MS VI.B.6] [Missing page(s), possibly from MS VI.B.16] MS VI.B.16, pp. [001]–[012] MS VI.B.33, p. [001]–back board recto MS VI.B.32, front flyleaf verso–p. [130] |
MS VI.C.8, pp. [001]–[047] MS VI.C.8, pp. [048]–[216] MS VI.C.8, p. [217]–back flyleaf verso |
MS VI.B.32, p. [130]–back flyleaf recto MS VI.B.18, p. [002]–back flyleaf recto [MS VI.D.5; missing notebook(s); first part] |
MS VI.C.9, pp. [001]–[019] MS VI.C.9, pp. [020]–[124] MS VI.C.9, pp. [125]–[235] MS VI.C.9, p. [236]–back flyleaf verso |
[MS VI.D.5; missing notebook(s); continued] MS VI.B.29, front flyleaf recto–p. [221] MS VI.B.31, front flyleaf recto–back flyleaf recto MS VI.B.28, pp. [004]–[093] |
MS VI.C.10, pp. [001]–[058] MS VI.C.10, pp. [059]–[168] MS VI.C.10, pp. [169]–[248] MS VI.C.10, pp. [249]–[280] |
MS VI.B.28, p. [093]–back flyleaf recto MS VI.B.26, pp. [001]–[182] MS VI.B.23, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf recto [MS VI.D.5; missing notebook(s); first part] |
MS VI.C.16, pp. [001]–[065] MS VI.C.16, pp. [066]–[231] MS VI.C.16, pp. [232]–[274] MS VI.C.16, p. [275]–back flyleaf recto |
[MS VI.D.5; missing notebook(s); continued] MS VI.B.24, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf recto [MS VI.D.7; missing Ulysses notebook(s)] MS VI.B.4, front flyleaf verso–p. [011] |
MS VI.C.15, pp. [001]–[176] MS VI.C.15, pp. [177]–[252] MS VI.C.15, pp. [253]–[262] MS VI.C.15, p. [263]–back flyleaf recto |
MS VI.B.4, p. [011]–back flyleaf recto [MS VI.D.2; missing notebook(s)] MS VI.B.20, p. [102]–back cover recto MS VI.B.14, pp. [001]–[019] |
MS VI.C.12, pp. [001]–[223] MS VI.C.12, p. [224]–back flyleaf recto |
MS VI.B.14, p. [019]–back cover recto MS VI.B.13, front cover verso–p. [188] |
MS VI.C.13, pp. [001]–[026] MS VI.C.13, pp. [027]–[155] MS VI.C.13, pp. [156]–[264] MS VI.C.13, p. [265]–back flyleaf recto |
MS VI.B.13, p. [188]–back cover recto MS VI.B.8, p. [001]–back flyleaf verso MS VI.B.22, p. [003]–back cover recto MS VI.B.15, front cover verso–[018] |
MS VI.C.14, pp. [001]–[161] MS VI.C.14, pp. [162]–[255] MS VI.C.14, pp. [256]–[257] MS VI.C.14, pp. [257]–[260] MS VI.C.14, p. [260]–back flyleaf recto |
MS VI.B.15, p. [018]–back cover recto MS VI.B.19, front cover verso–back cover recto MS VI.B.49.a MS VI.B.49.b [verso–recto as reproduced in the JJA] MS VI.B.35, front flyleaf recto–p. [039] |
MS VI.C.17, pp. [001]–[063] MS VI.C.17, pp. [064]–[150] MS VI.C.17, pp. [151]–[237] MS VI.C.17, pp. [238]–[280] |
MS VI.B.35, pp. [040]–[144] MS VI.B.27, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf recto MS VI.B.37, back flyleaf verso–front cover verso Blank |
VI.C.18, pp. [001]–[095] VI.C.18, p. [095]–back cover recto |
MS VI.B.38, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf verso NA: this is MS VI.B.41 |
MS VI.C.11, pp. [001]–[058] MS VI.C.11, pp. [059]–[061] MS VI.C.11, pp. [061]–[063] MS VI.C.11, pp. [063]–[093] MS VI.C.11, pp. [093]–[095] MS VI.C.11, pp. [096]–[217] MS VI.C.11, p. [218]–back flyleaf recto |
MS VI.B.17, pp. [001]–[068] [MS VI.B.17; missing pages] NLI MS 36,39/19, pp. [001] and [002]2 MS VI.B.17, pp. [069]–[104] NLI MS 36,39/19, pp. [003] and [004]3 [MS VI.D.6; possibly part of MS VI.B.17 or missing notebook(s)] MS VI.B.20, front cover verso–p. [101] |
Mme Raphael did not transcribe the first-order "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake notebooks MSS VI.B.3, VI.B.21, VI.B.25, VI.B.30, VI.B.36 and VI.B.39–VI.B.48 nor the loose sheets MSS VI.B.49.d–h, but she did transcribe the remaining primary notebooks as follows (note that at least five notebooks were transcribed twice, presumably by accident: MSS VI.B.8, VI.B.17, and VI.B.20, as well as the missing notebooks VI.D.2 and VI.D.5, which may have actually been comprised of more than two notebooks):
According to Spielberg’s Ordering
Scribal Notebook(s) | |
MS VI.B.1, pp. [001]–[180] | MS VI.C.3, pp. [051]–[177] |
MS VI.B.2, front cover verso–back cover verso | MS VI.C.2, pp. [006]–[122] |
MS VI.B.3 | Not transcribed |
MS VI.B.4, front flyleaf verso–p. [011] MS VI.B.4, p. [011]–back flyleaf recto |
MS VI.C.16, p. [275]–back flyleaf recto; continued on MS VI.C.15, pp. [001]–[176] |
MS VI.B.5, p. front cover verso–p. [161] | MS VI.C.4, pp. [028]–[153] |
MS VI.B.6, pp. [001]–[136] MS VI.B.6, pp. [136]–[191] |
MS VI.C.2, pp. [198]–[280]; continued on MS VI.C.3, pp. [001]–[050] |
MS VI.B.7, front flyleaf recto–p. [197] MS VI.B.7, p. [198]–back flyleaf recto |
MS VI.C.5, pp. [224]–[280]; continued on MS VI.C.7, pp. [001]–[019] |
MS VI.B.8, pp. [001]–[240] MS VI.B.8, p. [001]–back flyleaf verso |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [020]–[135] MS VI.C.13, pp. [027]–[155]: duplicate transcription |
MS VI.B.9, p. [001]–back cover recto | MS VI.C.4, pp. [154]–[219] |
MS VI.B.10, pp. [001]–[120] | MS VI.C.5, pp. [092]–[169] |
MS VI.B.11, pp. [001]–[170] | MS VI.C.1, pp. [075]–[208] |
MS VI.B.12, front cover verso–p. [006] MS VI.B.12, p. [006]–back cover recto |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [270]–[276]; continued on MS VI.C.6, pp. [001]–[140] |
MS VI.B.13, front cover verso–p. [188] MS VI.B.13, p. [188]–back cover recto |
MS VI.C.12, p. [224]–back flyleaf recto; continued on MS VI.C.13, pp. [001]–[026] |
MS VI.B.14, pp. [001]–[019] MS VI.B.14, p. [019]–back cover recto |
MS VI.C.15, p. [263]–back flyleaf recto; continued on MS VI.C.12, pp. [001]–[223] |
MS VI.B.15, front cover verso–[018] MS VI.B.15, p. [018]–back cover recto |
MS VI.C.13, p. [265]–back flyleaf recto; continued on VI.C.14, pp. [001]–[161] |
MS VI.B.16, pp. [001]–[012] MS VI.B.16, pp. [013]–[146] |
MS VI.C.6, pp. [142]–[149]: transcribed separately MS VI.C.1, pp. [001]–[074] |
MS VI.B.17, pp. [001]–[068] [Missing pages of notebook] |
MS VI.C.5, pp. [170]–[221] MS VI.C.5, pp. [221]–[223] |
MS VI.B.17, pp. [001]–[068] [Missing pages of notebook] NLI MS 36,39/19, pp. [001] and [002] MS VI.B.17, pp. [069]–[104] NLI MS 36,39/19, pp. [003] and [004] |
MS VI.C.11, pp. [001]–[058] MS VI.C.11, pp. [059]–[061] MS VI.C.11, pp. [061]–[063] MS VI.C.11, pp. [063]–[093] MS VI.C.11, pp. [093]–[095] |
MS VI.B.18, pp. [002]–back flyleaf recto | MS VI.C.8, pp. [048]–[216] |
MS VI.B.19, front cover verso–back cover recto | MS VI.C.14, pp. [162]–[255] |
MS VI.B.20, front cover verso–p. [068] MS VI.B.20, p. [068]–back cover recto |
MS VI.C.3, pp. [243]–[280]; continued on MS VI.C.4, pp. [001]–[027] |
MS VI.B.20, front cover verso–p. [101] MS VI.B.20, p. [102]–back cover recto |
MS VI.C.11, p. [218]–back flyleaf recto; continued on MS VI.C.15, pp. [253]–[262]: duplicate transcription |
MS VI.B.21 | Not transcribed |
MS VI.B.22, p. [003]–back cover recto | MS VI.C.13, pp. [156]–[264] |
MS VI.B.23, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf recto | MS VI.C.10, pp. [169]–[248] |
MS VI.B.24, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf recto | MS VI.C.16, pp. [066]–[231] |
MS VI.B.25 | Not transcribed |
MS VI.B.26, pp. [001]–[182] | MS VI.C.10, pp. [059]–[168] |
MS VI.B.27, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf recto | MS VI.C.17, pp. [064]–[150] |
MS VI.B.28, pp. [004]–[093] MS VI.B.28, p. [093]–back flyleaf recto |
MS VI.C.9, p. [236]–back flyleaf verso; continued on MS VI.C.10, pp. [001]–[058] |
MS VI.B.29, front flyleaf recto–p. [221] | MS VI.C.9, pp. [020]–[124] |
MS VI.B.30 | Not transcribed |
MS VI.B.31, front flyleaf recto–back flyleaf recto | MS VI.C.9, pp. [125]–[235] |
MS VI.B.32, front flyleaf verso–p. [130] MS VI.B.32, p. [130]–back flyleaf recto |
MS VI.C.6, p. [240]–back flyleaf verso; continued on MS VI.C.8, pp. [001]–[047] |
MS VI.B.33, p. [001]–back board recto | MS VI.C.6, pp. [150]–[239] |
MS VI.B.34, pp. [001]–[172] MS VI.B.34, pp. [172]–[185] |
MS VI.C.1, pp. [209]–[280]; continued on MS VI.C.2, pp. [001]–[005] |
MS VI.B.35, front flyleaf recto–p. [039] MS VI.B.35, pp. [040]–[144] |
MS VI.C.14, p. [260]–back flyleaf recto; continued on MS VI.C.17, pp. [001]–[063] |
MS VI.B.36 | Not transcribed |
MS VI.B.37, back flyleaf verso–front cover verso | MS VI.C.17, pp. [151]–[237] |
MS VI.B.38, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf verso | MS VI.C.18, pp. [001]–[095] |
MS VI.B.39–VI.B.48 | Not transcribed |
MS VI.B.49.a | MS VI.C.14, pp. [256]–[257] |
MS VI.B.49.b [verso–recto in the JJA] | MS VI.C.14, pp. [257]–[260] |
MS VI.B.49.c [loose leaf from VI.B.6] | MS VI.C.6, pp. [141]–[142]: transcribed separately |
MS VI.B.49.d–h | Not transcribed |
Mme Raphael also transcribed five now missing "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wakenotebooks, catalogued by Spielberg as MSS VI.D.1–VI.D.3, VI.D.5 and VI.D.6 as follows (note that MSS VI.D.4 and VI.D.7 are transcriptions of Ulysses notebooks; see below and MSS VI.C.7, pp. [136]–[269] and VI.C.16, pp. [232]–[274] for further information):
MSS | Transcription in Scribal Notebook(s) |
VI.D.1: | MS VI.C.2, pp. [123]–[197] |
VI.D.2: | MS VI.C.3, pp. [178]–[242] MS VI.C.15, pp. [177]–[252]: duplicate transcription |
VI.D.3 | MS VI.C.4, pp. [220]–[280]; continued on MS VI.C.5, pp. [001]–[091] |
VI.D.5: | MS VI.C.8, pp. [217]–[242]; continued on VI.C.9, pp. [001]–[019] MS VI.C.10, pp. [249]–[280]; continued on VI.C.16, pp. [001]–[065]: duplicate transcription |
VI.D.6 | MS VI.C.11, pp. [096]–[217] |
The following chart correlates the reproductions of the secondary and primary notebooks in the James Joyce Archive:
Scribal Notebook | JJA | Primary Notebook | JJA |
MS VI.C.1, pp. [001]–[074] | 41.003–021 | MS VI.B.16, pp. [013]–[146] | 32.363–430 |
MS VI.C.1, pp. [075]–[208] | 41.021–054 | MS VI.B.11, pp. [001]–[170] | 31.140–225 |
MS VI.C.1, pp. [209]–[280] | 41.055–072 | MS VI.B.34, pp. [001]–[172] | 37.107–193 |
MS VI.C.2, pp. [001]–[005] | 41.077–078 | MS VI.B.34, pp. [172]–[185] | 37.193–199 |
MS VI.C.2, pp. [006]–[122] | 41.078–107 | MS VI.B.2, front cover verso–back cover verso | 29.093–179 |
MS VI.C.2, pp. [123]–[197] | 41.107–126 | [MS VI.D.1; missing notebook(s)] | NA |
MS VI.C.2, pp. [198]–[280] | 41.126–146 | MS VI.B.6, pp. [001]–[136] | 30.085–140 |
MS VI.C.3, pp. [001]–[050] | 41.151–163 | MS VI.B.6, pp. [136]–[191] | 30.140–167 |
MS VI.C.3, pp. [051]–[177] | 41.163–195 | MS VI.B.1, pp. [001]–[180] | 29.002–092 |
MS VI.C.3, pp. [176]–[242] | 41.194–211 | [MS VI.D.2; missing notebook(s)] | NA |
MS VI.C.3, pp. [243]–[280] | 41.211–220 | MS VI.B.20, front cover verso–p. [068] | 33.325–359 |
MS VI.C.4, pp. [001]–[027] | 41.225–231 | MS VI.B.20, p. [068]–back cover recto | 33.359–383 |
MS VI.C.4, pp. [028]–[153] | 41.231–263 | MS VI.B.5, front cover verso–p. [161] | 30.002–082 |
MS VI.C.4, pp. [154]–[219] | 41.263–279 | MS VI.B.9, p. [001]–back cover recto | 31.001–078 |
MS VI.C.4, pp. [220]–[280] | 41.279–294 | [MS VI.D.3; missing notebook(s); first part] | NA |
MS VI.C.5, pp. [001]–[091] | 41.299–321 | [MS VI.D.3; missing notebook(s); continued] | NA |
MS VI.C.5, pp. [092]–[169] | 41.321–341 | MS VI.B.10, pp. [001]–[120] | 31.079–139 |
MS VI.C.5, pp. [170]–[221] | 41.341–354 | MS VI.B.17, pp. [001]–[068] | 33.002–036 |
MS VI.C.5, pp. [221]–[223] | 41.354 | [MS VI.B.17; missing pages]; see also MS VI.C.11, pp. [059]–[061] | NA |
MS VI.C.5, pp. [224]–[280] | 41.354–368 | MS VI.B.7, front flyleaf recto–p. [197] | 30.170–269 |
MS VI.C.6, pp. [001]–[140] | 42.003–037 | MS VI.B.12, p. [006]–back cover recto | 31.226–322 |
MS VI.C.6, pp. [140]–[141] | 42.037–038 | [Missing page(s), possibly from VI.B.6] | NA |
MS VI.C.6, pp. [141]–[142] | 42.038 | MS VI.B.49.c [loose leaf from MS VI.B.6] | 40.328–329 |
MS VI.C.6, p. [142] | 42.038 | [Missing page(s), possibly from VI.B.16] | NA |
MS VI.C.6, pp. [142]–[149] | 42.038–040 | MS VI.B.16, pp. [001]–[012] | 32.357–363 |
MS VI.C.6, pp. [150]–[239] | 42.040–062 | MS VI.B.33, p. [001]–back board recto | 37.003–104 |
MS VI.C.6, p. [240]–back flyleaf verso | 42.062–072 | MS VI.B.32, front flyleaf verso–p. [130] | 36.314–379 |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [001]–[019] | 41.373–377 | MS VI.B.7, p. [198]–back flyleaf recto | 30.170–291 |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [020]–[135] | 41.377–406 | MS VI.B.8, pp. [001]–[240] | 30.294–414 |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [136]–[198] | 41.406–422 | NLI MS 36,639/05/A, pp. [3r]–[30r] | NA |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [199]–[201] | 41.422–423 | NLI MS 36,639/05/A, pp. [1r]–[6r] | NA |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [202]–[234] | 41.423–431 | NLI MS 36,639/05/B, pp. [1r]–[12v] | NA |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [235]–[254] | 41.431–436 | NLI MS 36,639/04, pp. [1v]–[12v] | NA |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [255]–[269] | 41.436–440 | NLI MS 36,639/03, pp. [1r]–[15v] | NA |
MS VI.C.7, pp. [270]–[276] | 41.440–441 | MS VI.B.12, pp. [001]–[006] | NA |
MS VI.C.8, pp. [001]–[047] | 42.075–086 | MS VI.B.32, pp. [130]–back flyleaf recto | 36.313–431 |
MS VI.C.8, pp. [048]–[216] | 42.086–128 | MS VI.B.18, pp. [002]–back flyleaf recto | 33.061–203 |
MS VI.C.8, p. [217]–back flyleaf verso | 42.129–144 | [MS VI.D.5; missing notebook(s); first part] | NA |
MS VI.C.9, pp. [001]–[019] | 42.147–151 | [MS VI.D.5; missing notebook(s); continued] | NA |
MS VI.C.9, pp. [020]–[124] | 42.151–177 | MS VI.B.29, front flyleaf recto–p. [221] | 36.001–112 |
MS VI.C.9, pp. [125]–[235] | 42.178–205 | MS VI.B.31, front flyleaf recto–back flyleaf recto | 36.173–311 |
MS VI.C.9, p. [236]–back flyleaf verso | 42.205–216 | MS VI.B.28, pp. [004]–[093] | 35.189–233 |
MS VI.C.10, pp. [001]–[058] | 42.219–233 | MS VI.B.28, p. [093]–back flyleaf recto | 35.233–287 |
MS VI.C.10, pp. [059]–[168] | 42.233–260 | MS VI.B.26, pp. [001]–[182] | 35.027–105 |
MS VI.C.10, pp. [169]–[248] | 42.261–280 | MS VI.B.23, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf recto | 34.253–331 |
MS VI.C.10, pp. [249]–[280] | 42.281–288 | [MS VI.D.5; missing notebook(s); first part] | NA |
MS VI.C.11, pp. [001]–[058] | 43.287–301 | MS VI.B.17, pp. [001]–[068] | 33.002–036 |
MS VI.C.11, pp. [059]–[061] | 43.301–302 | [MS VI.B.17; missing pages] | NA |
MS VI.C.11, pp. [061]–[063] | 43.301–302 | NLI MS 36,39/19, pp. [001] and [002] | NA |
MS VI.C.11, pp. [063]–[093] | 43.302–310 | MS VI.B.17, pp. [069]–[104] | 33.036–054 |
MS VI.C.11, pp. [093]–[095] | 43.310 | NLI MS 36,39/19, pp. [003] and [004] | NA |
MS VI.C.11, pp. [096]–[217] | 43.310–341 | [MS VI.D.6; missing notebook(s)] | NA |
MS VI.C.11, p. [218]–back flyleaf recto | 43.341–357 | MS VI.B.20, front cover verso–p. [101] | 33.325–375 |
MS VI.C.12, pp. [001]–[223] | 43.003–058 | MS VI.B.14, p. [019]–back cover recto | 32.131–239 |
MS VI.C.12, p. [224]–back flyleaf recto | 43.058–073 | MS VI.B.13, front cover verso–p. [188] | 32.001–096 |
MS VI.C.13, pp. [001]–[026] | 43.077–083 | MS VI.B.13, p. [188]–back cover recto | 32.096–119 |
MS VI.C.13, pp. [027]–[155] | 43.083–115 | MS VI.B.8, p. [001]–back flyleaf verso | 30.294–415 |
MS VI.C.13, pp. [156]–[264] | 43.115–142 | MS VI.B.22, p. [003]–back cover recto | 34.157–251 |
MS VI.C.13, p. [265]–back flyleaf recto | 43.143–147 | MS VI.B.15, front cover verso–p. [018] | 32.241–251 |
MS VI.C.14, pp. [001]–[161] | 43.151–191 | MS VI.B.15, p. [018]–back cover recto | 32.251–355 |
MS VI.C.14, pp. [162]–[255] | 43.191–214 | MS VI.B.19, front cover verso–back cover recto | 33.207–323 |
MS VI.C.14, pp. [256]–[257] | 43.214–215 | MS VI.B.49.a | 40.325 |
MS VI.C.14, pp. [257]–[260] | 43.215 | MS VI.B.49.b, [verso–recto as reproduced in the JJA] | 40.326–327 |
MS VI.C.14, p. [260]–back flyleaf recto | 43.215–221 | MS VI.B.35, front flyleaf recto–p. [039] | 37.204–224 |
MS VI.C.15, pp. [001]–[176] | 42.365–408 | MS VI.B.4, p. [011]–back flyleaf recto | 29.263–429 |
MS VI.C.15, pp. [177]–[252] | 42.409–427 | [MS VI.D.2; missing notebook(s)] | NA |
MS VI.C.15, pp. [253]–[262] | 42.428–430 | MS VI.B.20, p. [102]–back cover recto | 33.376–383 |
MS VI.C.15, p. [263]–back flyleaf recto | 42.430–435 | MS VI.B.14, pp. [001]–[019] | 32.121–131 |
MS VI.C.16, pp. [001]–[065] | 42.291–307 | [MS VI.D.5; missing notebook(s); continued] | NA |
MS VI.C.16, pp. [066]–[231] | 42.307–348 | MS VI.B.24, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf recto | 34.334–484 |
MS VI.C.16, pp. [232]–[274] | 42.348–359 | [MS VI.D.7; missing Ulysses notebook(s)] | NA |
MS VI.C.16, p. [275]–back flyleaf recto | 42.359–361 | MS VI.B.4, front flyleaf verso–p. [011] | 29.263–268 |
MS VI.C.17, pp. [001]–[063] | 43.225–240 | MS VI.B.35, pp. [040]–[144] | 37.225–277 |
MS VI.C.17, pp. [064]–[150] | 43.240–262 | MS VI.B.27, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf recto | 35.107–185 |
MS VI.C.17, pp. [151]–[237] | 43.262–284 | MS VI.B.37, back flyleaf verso–front cover verso (see VI.B.37 Notes) | 38.124–121 |
MS VI.C.17, pp. [238]–[280] | See 43.284 | Blank | NA |
MS VI.C.18, pp. [001]–[095] | 43.361–384 | MS VI.B.38, front flyleaf verso–back flyleaf verso | 38.124–225 |
MS VI.C.18, p. [095]–back cover recto | See 39.001–107 | NA: this is MS VI.B.41 | 39.003–107 |
General Notes
Presumably it was Joyce who numbered the scribal notebooks "1"–"18" in either blue (VI.C.1, VI.C.2, and VI.C.6–VI.C.18) or red crayons (VI.C.3, VI.C.4, and VI.C.5), at the back or front of the notebooks, and at times at both ends. For whatever reasons he made several errors in his numbereing; for example, VI.C.5, (numbered "5") ends with a transcription of VI.B.7, p. [197], and VI.C.7 (numbered "7") begins with a transcription of VI.B.7, also of p. [197], which indicates that they were consecutive; the duplicate transcriptions of the missing primary notebook that is catalogued as VI.D.5, which begins and ends with exactly the same entries on VI.C.8, p. [217]–back flyleaf verso and VI.C.9, pp. [001]–[019], as well as VI.C.10, pp. [249]–[280] and VI.C.16, pp. [001]–[065], suggest that these scribal notebooks were consecutive as well; similarly, the continuation of the transcription of VI.B.4 from VI.C.16 to VI.C.15, and the transcription of VI.B.35 from VI.C.14 to VI.C.17, both suggest that those scribal notebooks were also transcribed consecutively.
Therefore, as opposed to Joyce’s numeration, the internal evidence indicates that the scribal notebooks were transcribed in the following order: VI.C.1 through VI.C.4 consecutively from late 1933 to the spring of 1934 and VI.C.5–VI.C.10 consecutively in early 1935; but the final batch of notebook were transcribed in 1936 through early 1937 in the following order: VI.C.16, VI.C.15, VI.C.12, VI.C.13, VI.C.14, VI.C.17, and VI.C.18. On the other hand, there is insufficient evidence to determine conclusively when VI.C.11 was transcribed.
Danis Rose has differentiated the compilation of the notebooks into four "strings," with breaks in the series between MSS VI.C.4 and VI.C.5 (strings I and II), between VI.C.17 and VI.C.11 (strings II and III), and between VI.C.11 and VI.C.18 (strings III and IV). Besides internal textual evidence, it appears that Rose also distinguishes string I from II because there was a break in Raphael’s work in the spring of 1934, though MSS VI.C.5 could be a direct continuation of the transcription of a single missing primary notebook, which is catalogued as VI.D.3 (but this is inconclusive evidence because they could each be transcriptions of more than one notebook). Furthermore, MS VI.C.11 is probably more or less contemporaneous with VI.C.15, though their precise relationship cannot be conclusively established, and VI.C.18 was the last notebook Mme Raphael prepared and it follows VI.C.17, thereby rendering the distinction between strings III and IV unnecessary.
Note that recent research has demonstrated that the loose pages of VI.B.16 (an undetermined number of missing pages as well as pp. [001]–[012]) were detached from the notebook before Joyce gave them to Mme Raphael, therefore their transcription in VI.C.6 is unrelated to the transcription of the remainder of the notebook in VI.C.1, the first notebook Mme Raphael prepared, and so the placement of VI.C.6 in the series is not problematic.
- La Hune, item 157, and Slocum & Cahoon, item E.7.b.
- Images 19-002-recto and 19-001-verso.
- Images 19-001-recto and 19-002-verso.