1948 Buffalo Cross Country

1st row: Jerry Repetski, Ken Plumb, Frank Hilburger, Bob Armstrong
2nd row: Earl Watson, Jim Brown, Lee Bernice, Roger Flagg
In the Fall of 1948, a varsity cross country team was formed at the University at Buffalo. The squad was coached by Earl Watson. In its first season, Frank Hillburger, Ken Plumb, Jerry Repetski, Bob Armstrong, Chet Kryszczuk, Jim Decker, Lee Bernice, Louis Conti, Roger Flagg and Jim Brown made up the team.
On November 7, 1948, the runners made their debut in team competition and finished third in the St. Francis Xavier Athletic Club 3.5 Mile Road Race. Ken Plumb, a freshmen and former WNY Interscholastic Cross-Country Champion, finished first for U.B. “Blue White Runners Finish a Close Third In St. Francis Run” Buffalo Bee, 12 November 1948)
On November 13, 1948, Ken Plumb again led Buffalo as U.B. faced Niagara University, John Carroll University and Buffalo State in a meet at Niagara. The Bulls finished second behind Buffalo State.
On November 17, 1948, Buffalo decisively defeated the Ontario Aggies 35-20 with Plumb leading the Buffalo team to victory.
On November 25, 1948, Thanksgiving morning, U.B. junior Lou Conti won the Y.M.C.A. 5 mile Road Race (known today as the Buffalo Turkey Trot) and with it the Buffalo Courier-Express trophy. (see “Lou Conti is Victorious in Y 5-Mile Run” Buffalo Courier-Express, 26 November 1948)
A most successful season ended on December 3, 1948 at Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania as the U.B. runners upset the favored Slippery Rock University club, 29-26. (see “X-Country Team Nets Upset Win In Final Meet” Buffalo Bee, 10 December 1948)
Lou Conti is Victorious in Y 5 Mile Run

Lou Conti
Louis Conti, representing the University of Buffalo, won the 51st annual Downtown YMCA-J.Y. Cameron Memorial 5-mile turkey day run yesterday morning. Second place went to Joseph Bessel, Jr. from St. Francis Xavier AC, and third to James Klein, who ran unattached.
The best time was turned in by John Walter of the Downtown Y team. His time of 25 minutes and 24 seconds was 54 seconds slower than the course record held by Edward Street.
Second best time 25:46 was recorded by Anthony Diamond of the South Buffalo Track Club; who came here from R. P. I. to run for his former club. Third best time trophy went to John Rollinson, also of the Downtown Y squad. His
time was 25 minutes and 56 seconds.
The team trophy was won by the Downtown Y with an aggregate time total, for five men, of 129 minutes and 47 seconds. Alfred Schillke, a veteran runner who now is a member of the Buffalo Police Department won the award for being first to reach Delaware Ave. and Utica St.
J. Y. Cameron, Jr. presented the handsome Courier-Express first place trophy to Conti, following the introduction of Earl Watson, the new track and cross-country coach at the University of Buffalo. Also present was Lou Montgomery, former Kensington High School coach, and now assistant at Cornell.
First, Louis Conti, UB, 4:15; 2d. Joseph Bessel, Jr., St. Francis Xavier, 3:00; 3rd, James Klein, 2:45; 4th, Alfred Heinen, SBTC, 2:00; 5th, John Rollinson, DYMCA, 1:30; 6th, Walter Roeder, DYMCA, 2:15; 7th, Robert Denny, DYMCA, 1:30 8th, Jerry Repetski, UB, 8:30; 9th, Anthony Diamond, SBTC, 1.16; 10th, Bradford Bosley, Walden BAC, 2:40.
— Buffalo Courier-Express, Friday, November 26, 1948