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Classroom/Meeting/Event Space Reservation Policies and Procedures

Each campus group is limited to 5 classroom reservations per month.

The University Libraries welcome the use of its classroom and event space by its campus community partners.

It is the policy of the University Libraries (UL) that the Silverman Library technology-enabled classrooms (rooms 305 and 310) are held for library programming as the first priority. However, we welcome the use of these rooms by our campus community partners for academic activities and special events. We make every effort to accommodate all valid requests for classroom/meeting/event space use, however, due to high demand, all requestors should be aware that space is often not available. There is no charge for classroom/meeting/event space use in Silverman Library by University-affiliated organizations.

Classroom/Meeting/Event Spaces

Oscar A. Silverman Library

Abbott Library

Lockwood Memorial Library

Requesting the Use of a Room

Submit a request one to two weeks in advance.

The requestor will receive a response regarding room availability within three business days (Monday to Friday). Reservations are not complete until a confirmation notice has been sent by the University Libraries.

Classroom Usage

The Office of the Vice Provost for University Libraries is responsible for Silverman Library classroom/meeting/event space scheduling for the University at Buffalo community. One-time reservations for course-related activities (film screenings, guest lectures, readings, etc.) and non-course meetings and events (conferences, departmental lectures, recognized student organization and club meetings) are accepted subject to availability. Classrooms/event spaces are generally available from 8:30am to 9:00pm seven days a week, excluding federal and state holidays.

  • All library policies must be followed while using the reserved room. Meetings and events must be conducted so as not to disturb library activities in surrounding areas.
  • To access technology, please see the instruction manual located on the instructor podium.
  • Food and beverages are permitted. If alcohol is to be served, it is the responsibility of the requestor to comply with all alcoholic beverage laws and campus regulations.
  • It is the responsibility of the reserving party for setup and cleanup of the room, and ensuring that the room is returned to its original condition including replacing furniture, cleaning tables and whiteboards, and removing all food and beverage waste.
  • The UL are not responsible for damage or loss of any personal property or other items left in the room.
  • If you encounter any problems with the room, please see the staff at the Library Services Desk who will contact the appropriate person to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.
  • The reserving party must vacate the room at the end of the reserved time. If additional time is needed to setup and/or restore the room to its original setup, this time should be considered when reserving the room.
  • The University Libraries reserve the right to decline reservation requests if expected room occupancy is not compatible with classroom capacity. Non-university affiliated organizations may not use Silverman Library classrooms.

Cancellations or Changes

If cancellations or changes in the reservation are necessary, the reserving party should notify at least one business day in advance of the scheduled event.

This policy is effective February 1, 2018.