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Basic Information Literacy

Part 1 of the Applied Digital & Information Literacy Specialization

Learn how to begin tackling a big project or presentation. Join today and equip yourself with basic information literacy skills to navigate the vast landscape of knowledge to find just what you need. This course will cover creating a workable project/presentation, understanding the various types of information sources, searching the various types of information sources, recognizing faulty information or bias, using proper citation conventions, avoiding plagiarism, and skimming information to pull relevant details. We will use a combination of video and readings with weekly quizzes to move through the learning.


  • Identify newspapers and magazines from search results
  • Distinguish databases from other online resources
  • Compose appropriate search strategies in order to retrieve information
  • Use keywords to run a search and identify key concepts from a research topic
  • Define information literacy
  • Participate in Mind mapping & brainstorming activity
  • Create a citation
  • Run searches and compare results using some of the basic search strategies
  • Identify the relevant parts of a resource
  • Choose appropriate sources
  • Evaluate author’s credentials


  • Brainstorm and narrow down on a project/presentation topic
  • Identify information gaps
  • Compose appropriate search strategies to locate valid, internet information sources
  • Evaluate information for authority, accuracy, balance, and currency
  • Successfully complete Module quizzes
