***VI.G.4: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Galley Proofs: Partial Copy of the Second Setting for transition 11/Finnegans Wake II.2§8 (1928):
Material Description and Collation
The manuscript is a quarto sheet of pulp paper. It was printed only on one side but consists of 5 pages of printed text: there are two 14 cm. text blocks on the left-hand side of the sheet and three on the right. The latter consists of two 14 cm. text blocks plus a 4 cm. text block printed beneath them. The upper and lower margins of this side of the sheet were diminished to accommodate the extra text block; presumably this was done to avoid printing the last page on another sheet (see BL MS 47478, fs. 28 and 35 that are duplicate copies of this second setting of proofs). The pages contain corrections and revisions in Joyce’s hand in black ink. The manuscript was cleaned, de-acidified, and encapsulated in May 1988 and backing tape was placed along the center folds. There is a 1.0 x 1.0 cm. tear in the center of the manuscript.
The manuscript measures 32.2 x 50.0 cm.
Each page is numbered "5"–"9", respectively, in the center of the margins above the text block, in lead pencil, possibly by the printer.
The manuscript is part of one of three marked copies of the second setting of galley proofs for transition 11 (February 1928). See transition 11, 12.16–18.27 as well as FW 290.26–304.04.
JJA Draft Code
The manuscript is undated but the set of proofs was date stamped "18 January 1928" by the printer (see BL MS 47478, f. 23); Joyce also revised the proofs in January 1928.
Other Markings
There are printers’ initials in light black ink as well as markings and instructions in lead pencil in the left margins of all the pages.
Only the uppermost portion of the right-hand side of this manuscript has been reproduced in Jean-Jacques Mayoux, La Bibliothèque Ideale: Joyce [Paris, 1965], facing page 192; the rest of the manuscript not been reproduced. The remainder of this copy of the setting (BL 47478, fs. 23 and 24) has been reproduced in black and white photo-facsimile on JJA 53.068–071. Another copy of this sheet (BL MS 47478, f. 28), with different overlay, has been also reproduced on JJA 53.76a.
This copy of the second galley proof is now complete. Three copies of the second set of galley proofs were sent to Joyce; this copy is the first Joyce revised and sent back to the printer.