*VI.G.8 [VI.G.1]: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Galley Proofs: Partial Copy of the First Setting for transition 18/Finnegans Wake III.4 (1929):
Material Description and Collation
The manuscript is a single cut sheet of pulp paper. It was printed only on one side and consists of 1 page of printed text. The page contains no corrections or revisions.
The manuscript measures 25.0 x 16.0 cm.
The page is numbered "25" in the upper left corner in blue pencil, probably by Beach.
The manuscript is part of the only copy that is known to be extant of the first setting of galley proofs for transition 18 (November 1929); this manuscript is continued from Princeton Beach Collection MS Series 4C Box 145 that has been reproduced in black and white photo-facsimile on JJA 60.339–362. See transition 18, 236.06–236.29 as well as FW 590.04–29.
JJA Draft Code
The manuscript is undated but p. [1] of this setting of proofs was date stamped "5 October 1929" by the printer.
This manuscript has been reproduced in black and white photo-facsimile on JJA 60.363, together with the rest of this copy of the first setting on JJA 60.339–362.