*VI.H.6 [VI.G.2]: “Work in Progress”/Finnegans Wake Page Proofs: Page Proof of the Faber and Faber Edition of Anna Livia Plurabelle/Finnegans Wake I.8 (1929–1930):
Material Description
The manuscript is a single unsigned quire that was stapled twice, but the staples have since been removed; all the leaves are cut. Both sides of the leaves are printed in black ink; there are no corrections or revisions. Leaves 2 and 15 have become detached from the rest.
The manuscript consists of 16 leaves (32 pages); 31 pages are printed and 1 is blank: the reverse of the halftitle-leaf.
The leaves of the untrimmed manuscript measure approximately 19.0 x 12.7 cm.
Pages “5”–”32″ are numbered consecutively; the front matter on pp. [1]–[4] are unnumbered.
The manuscript is an unmarked copy of page proofs for the First English Edition of Anna Livia Plurabelle, Criterion Miscellany No. 15 (London: Faber & Faber, 12 June 1930; Slocum and Cahoon A33). It was set from an unmarked copy of the Crosby Gaige (October 1930) edition. Corrections and revisions were presumably made on a now missing copy of the proofs for publication.
JJA Draft Code
The manuscript is undated, but was set between September 1929, after the contract had been signed, and May 1930.
The printed pages of this manuscript have been reproduced on JJA 48.330–346.