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*VI.J.8 [Also see VI.B.9]: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Miscellaneous Manuscripts: "Anna Livia Plurabelle" Design (Probably 1928)

Material Description and Collation

The manuscript is a cut sheet of graph paper, probably from a notebook. The main design may be in Joyce’s hand but there is other, related writing on the recto and on the verso that is probably in Sylvia Beach’s hand, all in lead pencil. The manuscript was torn from the notebook now catalogued as Finnegans Wake notebook MS VI.B.9 and is the same kind of paper as MSS VI.I.13, I.16, and VI.J.1.


The manuscript is triangular in shape: it measures approximately 15.7 cm. along the base, 10.0 cm. along the left side, and 12.0 cm along the right side.


The manuscript is probably an explanation or illustration for Beach and/or instructions to the printers related to the triangular design of the motif of Anna Livia Plurabelle.


It is not possible to date the manuscript definitively but it may have been prepared between the time of the publication of "Anna Livia Plurabelle" in transition 8 in November 1927 and its publication by Crosby Gaige in October 1928.

Other Markings

Presumably Beach wrote "MS | JJ" in blue crayon on the left-hand side of the design with a line pointing to it.


This manuscript has not been reproduced.