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Records 308
Rabideau, Alan J.
Radford, Gail E.
Radke PHD., RN, Karen J.
Rae, William J.
Rae, Alan
Rafailidis, Georg
Rafferty, George A.
Raghavan, Derek
Rahn, Hermann
Raichle, Frank G.
Raiser II, Victor
Raj, Ram
Raja, Samina
Rajan, Krishna
Rajnarayanan, Rajendram V.
Ralabate, Thomas
Ralston, Anthony
Ram, Pavani K.
Ram, Michael
Ramamurthy, Bina
Ramanathan, Murali
Ramesh, Ramaswamy
Ramming, Thomas
Rand, Calvin G.
Randall, Clyde L.
Randall, Elizabeth
Randall, John D.
Randall, Lillian Craig
Randall, Michael
Randolph, Mary
Randolph, Toni
Ranney, Helen M.
Ranni, Albert M.
Ranov, Theodor
Ransom, Kevin
Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna
Rao, H. Raghavendra
Rapaport, William J.
Rapping, Elaine
Rappoccio, Salvatore
Rashi, Fein
Rasmussen, Kenneth W.
Rasmusson, Randall
Ratchford, Brian T.
Ratha, Nalini
Rattazzi, Mario C.
Ray, Andrew D.
Ray, David M.
Ray, Steven
Raymond, Andrew V.V.
Raynor, Hollie
Raynor, Joel O.
Razik, Taher A.
Read, Laurie
Read, Forrest G.
Read, Justin
Read, Jennifer
Reading, Jillian
Rechnitz, Garry A.
Recupero, Nancy
Redman, Georgeann W.
Redman, Richard
Reed, Isabel E.
Reed, Ishmael
Reed-Danahay, Deborah
Reeder, Jo Nell
Reeves, Robert Blake
Refern, Michael
Regan, Kenneth Wingate
Regan III, Peter F.
Regan, William J.
Rehfuss, Heinz
Reibel, Angela
Reich, Steve
Reichert, Jonathan F.
Reid, Alaina
Reid, Helen Dwight
Reidy, James J.
Reigel, Robert
Reigstad, Thomas
Reimanis, Gunars
Rein, Diane
Reineck, James Francis
Reinhorn, Andrei
Reinig, Raymond W.
Reinstein, Victor
Reis, Diane P.
Reis, Robert I.
Reisman M.D, Robert E.
Reismann, Herbert
Reiss, Albert R.
Reiss, Harold
Reitan, Paul Hartman
Rekate, Albert C.
Rekosh, David
Relin, Howard
Rembis, Michael
Ren, Kui
Ren, Xuefeng
Ren, Z. F.
Renner, William Scott
Rennick, Barbara R.
Rennie, Donald W.
Renschler, Christopher S.
Renshaw, Carl E.
Rentschler, Gary J.
Resnik, Harvey L.P.
Resnikoff, Marvin
Restorff, Robert E.
Retallack, Joan
Reuning, Richard
Revankar, Nagesh S.
Reyes, Jacqueline
Reynard, Alan M.
Reynolds, Harry W.
Reynolds MD., James D.
Reynolds, Joseph L.
Reynolds, Amy
Reynolds, Homer S.
Rhoades, David
Rhodebeck, Laurie Anne
Rhodes, Geoffrey Alan
Rhodes, Edwardo
Rhodes, Jewell P.
Rhodes, Roosevelt
Ricciardelli, Michele
Rice, Donna S.
Rice, John P.
Rice, Robert W.
Rice, Victor A.
Rich, Robert E.
Rich Jr., Paul J.
Richard, John P.
Richard, David G.
Richards Jr., Rowland
Richards, Jerry
Richards Jr., Henry J.
Richardson, Leo
Richert, John A.
Richter, Bodo L.
Rickard, Jolene K.
Ricotta, Barbara
Ricotto, John Joseph
Riddel, Joseph N.
Riddle, Stuart
Rideout, Ted C.
Riedesel, C. Alan
Riedy, Mary B.
Riegel, Emil Raymond
Riegel, Robert
Riegert, Peter
Rielly, Michael F.
Riemenschneider, Thomas A.
Riepe, Dale Maurice
Rifkin, Joseph
Riggs, Douglas S.
Rilett, R. Omar
Rimar, Kathleen
Ring, Melvin
Ringland, John
Ringuette, Matthew
Ringwall, Egan A.
Rintamaki, Lance
Rising, Gerald
Ritchie, Calvin D.
Rittenhouse-Olson, Kate
Rittner, Peter
Rittner, Barbara
Rivera, Michael
Riwchun, Meyer H.
Rizzo, Donald R.
Roach, Daniel
Robb, Darlene
Roberts, Stefan
Roberts, Stephen M.
Roberts, John E.
Roberts, Canton F.
Roberts, Carroll J.
Roberts, Donald L.
Roberts, Linda
Roberts, Myron A.
Robins, Harold
Robinson, Adjoa
Robinson, Donald C.
Robinson Jr., Gerald Dean
Robinson, James A.
Robinson, Joan K.
Robinson, John G.
Robinson, Judith Schiek
Robinson, Lillian Sara
Robinson, Luther K.
Robinson, Thomas C.
Robinson, Wayne A.
Robinson, Sara
Roblin, Daniel
Roblin, Gloria L.
Rochester, De Lancy
Rochester, Thomas
Rochwarger, Leonard
Rodbard, Simon
Roden, Aubrey H.
Rodgers, Helen Z.M.
Rodriguez, Jaime L.
Roehrig, Susan
Roemmich, James
Rogers, Robert
Rogers, Kenneth A.
Rogers, William A.
Rogerson, Peter
Rogovin, Milton
Rojansky, Nathan
Rokitka, Mary Anne
Roland, Jean-Michel
Roldan, Maria M.
Rollins, Carl R.
Romano, Chris
Romans, J Thomas
Romberg, Thomas A.
Ronald, Judith S.
Root, William R.
Rorem, Ned
Rose, Lynn E.
Rose, Noel R.
Rose, Pamela
Rosegrant, Teresa J.
Rosen, Walter G.
Rosen, Aaron H.
Rosenbaum, Harold
Rosenberg, Jennifer
Rosenberg, Joseph
Rosenberg, Jay
Rosenblatt-Roth, Millu
Rosenthal, Thomas Claude
Rosenthal, Donald B.
Rosin, Robert F.
Rosling, Bengt G.
Ross, Gary Earl
Ross, H. Laurence
Ross, Josephine
Ross, Katharyn
Ross, Philip
Rossberg, Robert H.
Rosso, James
Roth, Beatrice
Roth, Jennifer
Roth, Jerome Allan
Rothenberg, Stephanie
Rothstein, Morton
Rottenberg, Simon
Rotterman, Phonda
Rounds, James B.
Rounds, Joseph B.
Rouse Jr., Lucien M.
Roussel, Royal
Rowland, Mike
Rowland, A. Westley
Roy, Kelly
Roy, Dheeraj
Roy, Saktidas
Rozak, Anthony Joseph
Rozeff, Michael S.
Rozek, Tony
Rozsa, George
Rube, Joseph
Rubin, Adam
Rubin, Ronald P
Rubin, Mitchell Irving
Rubin, Sally
Ruckenstein, Eli
Rucki, Judith
Rudick, William
Rudin Ph.D., Stephen
Rudinger, George
Rudra, Carole
Rudra, Atri
Rueb, Teri
Ruff, Roger
Ruhl, Stefan
Ruiz, Amelia
Ruiz-Bueno, Jo Ann
Rumer, Ralph R.
Rumfola, Joseph
Rumsey, Charles Cary
Runfola, Maria E.
Runstedtler, Theresa
Rupley, Frances S.
Russell, Nancy K.
Russell, Marcia
Russell, Michael W.
Russell, Anna A.
Russell, Nelson G.
Russert, Tim
Russo, Thomas Alan
Russo, Alexander P.
Russo, Anthony
Rustgi, Moti Lal
Ruszaj, Eugene M.
Rutenber, Timothy J.
Ruttenberg, Alan
Ruyechan, William T.
Ryan, John
Ryan, Elizabeth R.
Ryan, Daniel J.
Ryan, James
Ryan, James H.
Ryan, Michael E.
Rychtarik, Robert
Rzayev, Javid