*VI.I.18: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Emendations and Errata: Emendation for the text after transition 7 for the Galley Proofs of Finnegans Wake I.7 (probably mid 1930s):
Material Description and Collation
The manuscript is a partial loose sheet, a doubled-spaced, carbon (bottom) copy, purple ink typescript.
The manuscript measures 5.6 x 20.9 cm.
The manuscript is an extradraft sheet that contains an emendation Joyce wanted to correct from an issue that arose with transition 7. This emendation restores three lines of text that the transition printers dropped between the proofs and the printing of transition 7 (see BL 47474, f. 103; JJA 47.501 and BL 47475, f. 161; JJA 47.544). The text is further revised on the marked pages of transition 7 for the galley proofs of Finnegans Wake (see BL 47475, f. 265; JJA 47.545). See transition 7, 53.13 as well as FW 190.26–29.
JJA Draft Code
JJA I.7§2.9+.
Joyce probably made these emendations in the mid 1930s, before 11 July 1936.
Other Markings
The manuscript is headed "Page 53, line 13, after ‘fire’ " and refers to BL 47475, f. 73 (JJA 47.513).