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*VI.I.29: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Emendations and Errata: Emendation to the Second Draft of "The Triangle"/Finnegans Wake II.2§8 (1926):

Material Description and Collation

The manuscript is a cream-colored card. The emendation is in Joyce’s hand in black ink.


The manuscript measures 9.0 x 13.3 cm.


The manuscript is an extradraft sheet with a revised version of a sentence on the second draft of "The Triangle" (FW II.2§8; BL MS 47482a, f. 79; JJA 53.031). See FW 296.30–297.01.

JJA Draft Code



The manuscript was probably written in July 1926.

Other Markings

Joyce wrote an "N" in lead pencil and struck it through in black ink and began writing again in black ink.


Joyce further revised the sentence on the faircopy (BL MS 47478, fs. 10 and 11; JJA 53.041 and 042); therefore, the version on this manuscript does not appear on any subsequent draft or printing.