*VI.I.34: "Work in Progress"/Finnegans Wake Emendations and Errata: Scribal Copy ofanEmendation for a (Missing) Duplicate Copy of the Second Typescript of Book III/Finnegans Wake III.3 (1926):
Material Description and Collation
The manuscript is a loose sheet of stationery headed: "Commerce | 7, rue de l’odeon – paris-vie – tél. : fleurus 25-05". The emendations are on the verso and continued on the recto in Beach’s hand in lead pencil; on the recto there are also a phone number in an unidentified hand and a partial, cancelled note in Beach’s hand, all in lead pencil but cancelled in black ink. This manuscript is on the same kind of paper as MSS VI.I.35 and I.37.
The manuscript measures 12.6 x 8.0 cm.
The manuscript is an extradraft sheet that contains instructions for Beach to emend a (missing) copy of the second typescript. See FW 441.15, and 441.16.
JJA Draft Code
The manuscript was probably written in early June 1926.
Joyce had noted one of the emendations on MS VI.B.12.015 before this manuscript was prepared. The emendations, though with some variation, were also made on the extant page of a copy of the typescript in Joyce’s hand (BL 47483, f. 169; JJA 57.269).