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Records 122
220 Winspear Avenue
2211 Main Street
24 High Street
25 Goodrich Street
25 Niagara Square
250 Winspear Avenue
77 West Eagle Street
Abbott Hall, Charles D.
Acheson Hall Annex, Edward Goodrich
Alfiero Center, Jeanne and Sal H.
Allen Hall, Cornelia H.
Alumni Arena
Amherst Bubble
Anderson Gallery, UB
Baird Hall, Frank B.
Baird Point
Baird Research Park
Baker Chilled Water Plant, Melvin H.
Baldy Hall, Christopher
Beane Center, John
Beck Hall, Edgar C.
Bell Hall, Lawrence D.
Bethune Hall, Louise Blanchard
Biomedical Education Building
Biomedical Research Building
Bissel Hall, Wilson S.
Bonner Hall, Willard H.
Buffalo Materials Research Center
Campus Mail Center
Capen Hall, Samuel P.
Cary Hall, Dr. Charles
Center for Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences, New York State
Center for the Arts
Center for Tomorrow
Childcare Center
Childcare Complex
Clark Memorial Gymnasium, Irwin B.
Clemens Hall, Samuel L.
Clement Hall, Carolyn Tripp
Clinical and Translational Research Center
Computing Center
Cooke Hall, Water P.
Creekside Village
Crofts Hall, George D.
Crosby Hall, William H.
Davis Hall, Barbara and Jack
Diefendorf Hall Annex, Charles H.
Diefendorf Hall, Charles H.
Dorsheimer Laboratory/Greenhouse, Philip
Downtown Gateway, UB
Ellicott Complex, Joseph P.
Erie County Almshouse and County Hospital complex
Eve Educational Opportunity Center, Arthur O.
Farber Hall Annex, Sidney
Farber Hall, Sidney
Flickinger Court, Burt P.
Flint Villiage
Foster Hall, Orin E.
Fronczak Hall, Francis E.
Furnas Hall, Clifford C.
Goodyear Residence Hall, Ella Conger
Governors Complex
Greiner Hall, William R.
Hadley Village
Harriman Hall, Lewis G.
Hayes Hall Annex A, Edmund B.
Hayes Hall Annex B, Edmund B.
Hayes Hall Annex C, Edmund B.
Hayes Hall Annex D, Edmund B.
Hayes Hall, Edmund B.
Helm Facility Warehouse, Samuel
Hochstetter Hall, Ralph
Howe Research Building, Lucien
HRD Building
Jacobs Executive Development Center
Jacobs Management Center
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Jarvis Hall, Gregory B.
Ketter Hall, Robert L.
Kimball Tower, Stockton
Knox Hall, Grace M.
Kunz Stadium, Walter
Libraries Annex
Lockwood Memorial Library
MacDonald Hall, Lillias M.
MacKay Heating Plant, Gerald F.
Main and Virginia Streets
Mathematics Building
Michael Hall, Edward
Murchie Family Fieldhouse
Natural Sciences Complex
North Campus
Norton Hall, Charles P.
O'Brian Hall, John Lord
Park Hall, Julian
Parker Hall, Karr
Pfeifer Theatre, Sidney B.
Pharmacy Building
President's Residence, 186 LeBrun Road
President's Residence, 889 LeBrun Road
Pritchard Hall, Mearl D.
Research Institute on Addictions
Ridge Lea Campus
Ross Eye Institute, Ira G.
Rotary Field
Schoellkopf Hall
Sherman Hall Annex, Dewitt
Sherman Hall, DeWitt
Slee Hall
Solar Strand
South Campus
South Lake Village
Squire Hall, Daniel H.
Statler Commissary, Ellsworth M.
Student Union
Talbert Hall, Mary B.
Townsend Hall, Harriet A.
UB Commons
UB Stadium
University Bookstore
Washington and Seneca Streets
Wende Hall, Grover W.